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I don't know where I am.

I don't know how I got here.

I don't know why I'm here.

All I know is that I'm scared. I want to go home. I want to go home to Greg, Mum and Dad. I miss them, like crazy.

You want to know something crazy? Whoever 'they' are, have kidnapped 3 other boys.

There's Harry Styles. Chocolate brown curls with the greenest eyes I've ever seen. He may have a few spots, but his cheeky smile and adorable dimples distract you from that. He's from Cheshire and has quite a posh accent. You can hardly hear it as he speaks slowly. I don't know how he keeps a smile on his face in this hell hole. We're treated worse then rats, and he sits in our room - if you can all it that - with the biggest smile on his face. Harry has 1 older sister, Gemma. Apparently they get on like a house on fire - most of the time.

Next is Zayn Malik. Black hair flopping across his face with mysterious brown eyes. His olive skin is clear and perfect. He has a sweet smile, one that tells you everything will be okay. He moans every morning that he can style his hair in its normal quiff and we all ensure him it's fine the way it is. He's from Bradford, and is quite quiet. Zayn has 3 sisters; 2 younger, Safaa and Waliyha, and 1 older, Doniya. He tells us he loves them all, and although he's not the oldest, he still protects them.

Then there's the boy that keeps me sane. The boy who I can't get out of my head. Liam Payne. His sandy blonde hair sweeps across his face. His fringe isn't quite long enough to reach his eyebrows, which gives the perfect opportunity to see his chocolate brown eyes. His eyes are different from Zayn's. Yes, Zayn's eyes are very nice, but Liam's are addictive. I long to see them whenever we're apart. He has two older sister, Ruth and Nicola. He's the youngest and from Wolverhampton.

If he wasn't here, I would've gone cracked. I don't even know how long it's been. Our phones were broken the second we got here. There's no calendar, no TV, no radio, nothing. It feels like it's been months, but it may have only been weeks. The guys who took us, refuse to tell us anything. They won't even tell us why we're here. They just reply with 'your family know' and walk away, or maybe beat us senseless first.

That's all they do here. Make us clean the place, beat us up, maybe even pleasure the two gay ones if they can't pick some guy up at a gay bar. If we're not doing anything, we're locked in our room with nothing to do, no food or drink. There is one of them that gives us our breakfast and dinner. His name is Louis. He's different. Not only by the way he treats us, but they way he looks too. He isn't as rough looking as the others. He wears chinos rolled up, suspenders, TOMs or Vans, stripey tops or anything that's in fashion. He has mousy brown, tousled hair that sweeps across his forehead. Unlike Liam's, his is longer. He has bright blue eyes as well, with a childlike smile. He normally sneaks in extra food or water for us. I don't know why he's so nice, but his eyes show he's not lying or just playing us.

There's not a lot I can remember about getting taken. My best friend and cousin, Jake, and I were out shopping for my Aunt's birthday. She was turning 40 so we needed to buy her a present. We just finished having a late lunch at Nando's when we went our seperate ways. That's the night when my fears came true. I always had to pass a dark alleyway on my way home from town, and I'd always been scared someone would jump me. Guess I was right. Greg and Dad always told me not to be so ridiculous, but mum just warned me to be careful. Not so ridiculous now, is it? Not when it actually happened.

I need to ask you something, well, 2 things.

First, tell my family that I'm alive.Tell them I'll be okay. Don't tell them I'm basically being tortured. I don't want to worry them even more. It won't do their health any good. Just, tell them I'll be okay and I'll see them soon?

Now the hardest one.

Help me?

Help us?

Try anything, Please?

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