Chapter Two

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Did I ever mention how much I hate school? The hallways aren't wide enough to accommodate  all the students at once. Everyone has their own little cliche. The classes are incredibly boring. And if one more thing almost hits me in the head, I'm going to lose it. This might as well be the mortal version of the Fields of Punishment. At least the girl put in charge of showing me around isn't terrible. Like me, she's more of a loner. I think her name was Michelle or something. Though she doesn't seem to share any classes with me. Now I'm resisting the urge to bang my head on the table as the teacher drones on and on. The guy in front of me has the right idea. Instead of listening to the lesson he's watching videos of some hero in a red suit swinging around New York.

At lunch I end up sitting across from Michelle at the same table as the kid from before and another guy. Michelle and I politely ignore each other while the guys discuss a girl hanging up a banner for the homecoming dance. "Don't you think that's starting to get a little creepy," I offer when they begin discussing her skirt. Michelle looks up from what she's doing at my comment and gives a small laugh.

"To late, it's been creepy for a while now," Michelle points out. "Those two losers are Peter and Ned; they're always like that," she introduces.

"Then why do you sit with them?" I wonder.

"Finally, someone asks." Ned exclaims. "I like you. What's your name?"

"Nico di Angelo," I offer hesitantly.

"You know, I don't think I've seen you around," Peter continues the conversation. Michelle returns to what ever it is she was doing without answering my question as the attention shifts to me.

"It's my first day so," I let them make their own conclusion.

They continue asking me about everything from my favorite color (black obviously) to why it sounds like I have a slight accent (I'm Italian, of course I have an accent), most of which I answer with half lies. By the time lunch ends I think I'm free from having to socialize, but instead I end up getting dragged to practice for something that all the others at the table are involved in. I just want to be left alone. Is that to much to ask? The club's main purpose seems easy enough. The girl Peter has a crush on asks a question that you ring a bell to answer. For a while I watch and try to see how many I can get right before I realize that even though I know the answer to a good many, the ones I don't know involve specific information that has no use to me. Like, when will I ever need to know what the heaviest element is? Instead I try to work on the homework assigned for tonight, just another reason why I hate school.

"I can't, I have to be here in case Mr. Stark needs me for something," Peter argues with the teacher in charge. I don't know what they're talking about, but Stark's name catches my interest.

"Like you've met Tony Stark" An obnoxious jerk I heard being called Flash, comments.

The conversation increases to include the other members of the club who aren't to happy for some reason. Something about Peter refusing to go to Washington which is a bad thing for the team or whatever. According to Michelle, this isn't the first club he dropped out of or even the second. Plans are changed so that Flash can replace Peter before the bell rings and everyone goes to their next class. Michelle asks Peter to show me the way since apparently we have the same teacher. Ugh, I've avoided the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D since the fight with Ultron and Will's death, now I end up in the same class as someone who might work for the most annoying hero ever. This better not be why Hades sent me to this school. Forcing me to socialize is bad enough, but making me confront my not so distant past is taking his attempts to be a good father to far.

My last class of the day is completely boring, the bell can't ring fast enough. I wait for everyone to leave the room before grabbing my stuff and shadow traveling to my apartment. My bag with all my homework gets thrown in the nearest corner where I might do it if I get bored later, but more than likely be ignored. I should probably go see Will about what to get Ashely for her birthday since I haven't done that yet, but then there's the chance that I'll run into my father who might ask how my day was. I don't have the energy to deal with that conversation or any conversation really. Watching television until I get hungry enough to find something to eat it is then. I'm to worn out from socializing and pretending that I'm actually learning anything to care about  monsters coming to attack me because I'm watching Supernatural. A couple hours of blissful alone time before it's ruined by the alarm of a nearby store.

"No, stop, I'm done helping people," I complain to the noise that's ruining my show. I bury my head in one of the pillows laying on the couch to muffle the sound.

It doesn't work.

"Seriously?" I grumble to no one in particular. "Fine, fine, I'll go check it out but nothing more." I stab at the pause button then melt into the shadows.

I come out just in time to see criminals in Avenger masks fighting the spider person that Peter is obsessed with. I've only known him for a day and all he talks about is this super hero and Liz. He shouldn't be quitting all his clubs and hobbies, he should be joining more so that he has something else to obsess over. But that's not important right now. The web shooter seem to be holding his own, so I don't need to be here. He's dodging the attacks made by the guys with the large ray gun. If he has this covered then I can go back to watching Sam, Dean, and Cass  hunt monsters and save people. What could go wrong? It's a simple robbery.

I really need to learn to stop testing the Fates. Those laser gun things are a lot more powerful than they look. I figured that out when one was shot in my direction. Thankfully I was able to get out of the way before being turned into cinders, but the building across the street wasn't so lucky. If  the explosion didn't destroy everything, the raging fire was sure to finish the job. Okay, maybe this super hero doesn't have this covered.

A/N: I forgot how hard beginnings are to write. This note comes in four parts. It's rather long, but please read it.

1. Thanks for reading, commenting, voting.

2. Thank you and Happy Birthday @anushka1718 !!!!!!

3. I'm curious about something. How is your school set up? For example, my school does a block schedule meaning four one and a half hour periods a day and the classes don't change depending on the week day. I don't think this is how the school in Spider-Man is set up, so if you don't mind, please tell me in the comments how your school might be different so I have an idea how to write a different school schedule than I'm used to. Thank you!

4. I got tagged and I want your opinion on whether I should do it on this story or wait and possibly do it somewhere else if at all. If you want me to do it here then also tell me what you want to know about me.

I think that's all for now, so, bye.

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