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-track 2; helloc h a p t e r t w o杏

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-track 2; hello
c h a p t e r t w o


the luscious lime grass insulated around the large hand of the read haired boy as he sat crossed legged on the red and white checkered blanket, leaning on his two arms with his fingers devoured into the spring's ripe grass.

on the opposite side of him was his boyfriend –the love of his life as he would like to call. min yoongi sat crossed legged also, although his eyes sat amused on the beautiful artwork of his boyfriend's features. the blonde sat hushed, observing the way hoseok's orbs flickered here and then, capturing the pure moments of bliss called nature.

a few tiny red marks scattered and tracked their way down the neck of hoseok, the rosy marks becoming undoubtedly visible due to the sun's reflective glow. his head tilted back, capturing the day with his flickering eyes, exposing more of the poison-like art his boyfriend engraved.

yoongi began to crawl over the crowded blanket of food, gently pushing each snack to a side in order to create a passageway to his love. the strands of his hair tumbled down to the tips of his eyes in which he immediately combed back with his fingers.

the strong aroma of vanilla circled the two boys as a hint of mint gifted from the blonde combined with the other. hoseok felt the warmth radiate from the man hovering above him, his head tilting forwards slightly meeting with the stars that were painted in the duskiness of his boyfriend's eyes.

the older began planting small kisses along the tanned and baby-soft skin of the younger's jawline as hoseok's eyes fluttered shut, soaking in the cherry kisses that he owned and had craved for the past few days.

for the past days, yoongi had been away, gone from the other's embrace, and due to the love that they craved for each other, it was as if they were playing a part in a melodrama– according to yeona.

a small pitch of breath was heard from the dazed younger with his eyes still barely open. "y-yoongi" he panted, bringing his hand up, shaking as he grasped onto his boyfriend's shoulder.
"we're in public" he muffled, almost stumbling over his words at the disappointment over-washed on the older's face as yoongi pulled away, although, their faces still remained a few inches apart.

"hoseok, so what? you've been constantly messaging me that you're bored yet now, you're here complaining" yoongi replied, quoting with his fingers on the word 'bored' as he dropped his head in embarrassment.

despite yoongi being correct on the messages, hoseok was terribly bored without his significant other, however, he didn't entirely mean he was bored in that way, he was just so lucky to have someone to nuzzle up with whenever he needed it, and with yoongi being consistently away from the boy, he felt drained without a sign of affection.

the muttering of the leaves was all that was heard throughout the five second silence of the pained couple, and hoseok was determined to speak up even though a pain continuously clawed at his throat. he hated disappointing people, especially someone that meant the universe to him.

the large field only held the two. it was purely empty with the paradise-green trees and the melodic sound of the breeze that frequently ignited the hairs on their skin to stand. here and then some locals would come over, but in the somewhat bustling heat, everyone avoided the riskiness of a deadly burn on their precious glass skin.

the teen knew it was hypocritical of him to back away even when there wasn't even a sign of an ant getting in their way, but controlling his needs was a priority at least sometimes.

"danny!" a delicate yet manly voice whisper shouted from the distance of the field, signalling from the outlying patches behind the towering trees.

a small, fragile boy with hair as auburn as fresh, dripping honeycomb combined with tiny ringlets drooping no longer than his forehead stood still as a statue. his mouth beheld an 'o' shape as he observed his white ball with mini splats of black paint rolling over towards the couple. 

yoongi looked beside him, noticing the moving object heading towards their direction to immediately discontinue the awkward position in which we was ninety-nine percent thrilled about.

he retracted away from the younger, his face now painting into a more happier piece of art as his eyes caught glimpse of the young boy that began to jog forwards.

the ball moved slowly yet quickly as it scrunched all the freshly green grass underneath its plump surface, just about reaching the tip of hoseok's new warn-out converse, snapping the red head back to his senses.

just like the blonde, another smile was fulfilled between the three, although hoseok's looked more realistic and less sinister than yoongi's as the dancer adored every small child thanks to his job.

"here you go, squirt" hoseok said cheerfully, his wide grin contagiously spreading to the young boy, ruffling his now messy hair as he passed the ball over into his small arms

"i'm so sorry!" a familiar voice replied, his breathing unsteady and rigid due to him chasing the auburn boy.

the same golden haired boy with lips that possessed a natural pinky hue, the boy he had told himself was just a 'tad cute' had aimlessly appeared out of no where.

the checkout boy from yesterday.

the teen had come to a hault with his toned arms clutched onto his knees in order to steady himself aswell as his heavy breathing.

the face of hoseok was left dismayed. his cheeks immediately tinted a rose red, both from excitement and a little from how adorable the other was.

"hey" the blushing teen started, his mood immediately lifting despite his befuddled boyfriend being sat right next to him.

"it's you, checkout boy!"

the golden haired boy promptly lifted his head in a matter of seconds, his eyes locking into the deep pools of the red's glistening brown ones.

"oh, crazy plant customer?" the smaller replied, his sentence almost being categorised as a question more than a statement.

y'all next chapter you'll actually hear more than a sentence from poor chim, i ain't tryna attack the poor boy (:
+ i don't have school anymore so expect more updates frequently ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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