I could tell that he was struggling. Finally, after what seemed like hours, which was only minutes, he answered, "No."

"Come on, I can tell you are lying! You do have a crush!" I exclaimed, now I'm really really curious, who was this girl that Asher liked but wouldn't admit?

"It's my turn to ask." He pointed it out, successfully avoiding the question. I groaned.

"Are we friends?" He asked, he looked directly at me and I was loss at words.

Yes? No? Yes? I don't know? I mean you are not bad and I may actually like you but...

After mentally debating with myself, I said, "Maybe."

He didn't seemed satisfied but he nodded.

I decided to drop the topic about his crush for now and asked the question that had been burning on my mind since he transferred to our school, "Why did you transferred school?"

He seemed surprised by my question but answered instantly, "I was expelled from my previous school."


"That's two questions."

"Fine." I pouted.

"Do you have a crush?"

"Yes." I smiled


"Are you sure you are going to use your last question like this?" My smile grew.

"Yes!" He said impatiently.

"Ok Fine," I paused for dramatic effects, "WILL."

"The football player?" His face was so shock, I laughed.

"Will Herondale." I laughed even harder.

His confused face was so adorable, I finally explained to him, "Will Herondale is a fictional character."

"Oh." He sound disappointed and relieved?

"Ha! As if I will like any boys from our school. Why have silly crushes when you can love a fictional one?" I said dreamily.

I turned serious and asked my last question, "Why did you got expelled from your previous school?"

He sighed, knowing that he couldn't escape the question, "It was just one stupid fight."

"How?" I asked curiously, I looked at him and he had a faraway look on his face.

"That's two questions, the game is finish." He said, the look disappeared and was replace by a cocky one.

I rolled my eyes, typical Asher.

"If you say that we are friends then I will tell you how you how I got expelled." He bribed me.

"Ok fine, we are friends. Happy?" I scowled at him jokingly.

Why does he wants us to be friends so badly?

"Very." He gave me a smirk. Why can't he smile, it looks so much better.

"Ok," he took a deep breath and started, "I always had fights in my previous school and I had been suspended so many times that I lost count." We chuckled, not surprised. He continued, "but this one time, I think I almost put this kid into coma." He said, and he looked away from me.

"Why?" I asked hesitantly, hoping I'm not crossing the border line.

"He-he just said something about my brother." He hesitated before telling me, and didn't look me in the eye.

"Hey Laura! Oh hey Asher." My dad greeted us.

"Hi dad!" I greeted him. "What's up Jeff." Asher, replied casually.

"Great. Asher will you stay for dinner?" My dad asked, there's a small smile on his face. And I had this bad feeling.

"No, thanks Jeff, but I will go right now. It's nice meeting you again." Asher answered, he got his stuff and gave my dad a wave. I walked him to the door, said goodbyes and he left. Closing the door, I couldn't help but smile. Who knew that I Laura Clark could befriend a person like Asher Hunt?

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