"Natsu, she cant-"

"Deal!" She exclaimed completely ignoring Aomine while she beamed at me and shook my hand. After a few seconds, she let go and headed to the door, "Have fun!" Were her last words as she left the room.

After she left the room was silent for a bit before Akashi cleared his throat gained everyone's attention, "Natsu, she can't do that you know. I'm captain, I overrule her."

FLopping back down I looked over at him, "Yeah but if you use the captain card it like you're backing out of singing. Does singing really scare you that much?" Picking up the tablet I reopened the snack app and begun ordering some snacks.

"I fear no one or thing, of course, singing doesn't scare me. I am just stating facts." Akashi scoffed before the room fell into silence again. The only sounds were for my fingers tapping against the screen as I ordered food.

"Hey Natsu," Kuroko said out of nowhere causing me to freeze while a few others jumped. Aomine yelling at Kuroko's to stop popping out nowhere.

"Hmm?" I asked, waiting for him to continue as I scrolled through the beverages.

"You ordered 13 items, meaning you'll have to sing six songs including the mandatory song." His words caused me to freeze.

Now I don't mind singing but I really didn't feel like singing at the moment, I just wanted to eat then possibly take a nap, "Yeah, but I'm captain right now so rules don't apply to me."

This caused Akashi to speak up, "Hmm, to me it sounds like you're using the captain card and backing out of singing. Doesn't singing scare you that much?" I looked up at him with a tsk as he used my own words against me. His lips pulled up into a smug looking smirk.

Sighing I took off five items from the list and l looked back up and showed Kuroko, "There eight items means just five songs. Now can someone please sing, this is awkward."

No one made a move so Aomine suggested we draw lots. After pulling a piece of papers and a pen out of his bag he wrote down numbers one to six before folding them and shaking them in his hands. After shaking his hands like there were dice in them for a good thirty seconds, he threw them on the table.

"Pick one." And we did, now I didn't mind the order but some other did. The order was Aomine, Murasakibara, Kuroko, Akashi, myself, and lastly Midorima.

Aomine just huffed as he reached over and grabbed the tablet and opened the song app. He was about to pick a song before I thought of an idea.

"Hey, Aomine, put it on shuffle. Whatever song pops up you have to sing. Whether you know it or not." I said, reaching in my bag to pull out my cell phone. I bet Momoi would get a kick out of this newfound rule. [A/N: I actually put everyone's song in a shuffler so nothing is biased. It turned out great]

Instead of protesting, he just rolled his eyes before doing as I said. Once a song popped up he sat the tablet down.

Grabbing the mic with a scowl he stood up so he was beside the board to sing. After a few seconds of silence, the board lit up and almost immediately a familiar tune reached my ears. I almost laughed when the lyrics popped up.

==Song: Not your Barbie Girl by Ava Max==

"Not your barbie girl, I'm living in own world

I am plastic, call me classic

You can't touch me there

You cant touch my body

Unless I say so, I ain't your barbie, no..."

In the beginning, Aomine was flushed pink while the others kept trying to hold in their laughter. But towards the end of the song, he became more into it as he tried to hit the right notes while staying in tune. After the song ended I turned off the recording and sent it Momoi while the others began to tease the now laughing Aomine.

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