Chapter 10

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If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question.

Kigamiki Natsuru

"Are we almost there yet?" I asked for what seems like the millionth time. Hearing a sigh I turned my head to look down at Akashi. "My feet hurt."

After a few seconds he also turned to meet my eyes, "Natsu, you're not even walking, Murasakibara-Kun is carrying you on his back, he has been for the past thirty minutes that we got off the train. So your legs couldn't possibly hurt, besides, we are almost there."

Resisting the urge to sigh, I turned my head so I could lay against Murasakibara's back, my eyes dropping in the process. RIght when I was about to drift off to sleep, Momoi announced that we are here.

Jumping off Murasakibara's back I thanked him before going into the building after the others.

"Private room for two hours, please," Momoi told the man at the desk who just looked up at us before telling us it is 300 yen per person.

After paying him 2,100 yen, he handed us a key and told us since we are minors no alcoholic beverages.

Well, thanks for stating the obvious.

Momoi was about to run off when Aomine grabbed her by the back of her shirt causing the bubblegum pink haired girl to pout at the tanned teen.

"Please calm down before you get us kicked out Momoi," Midorima spoke, pushing up his glasses with his bandaged hand. In his other hand, he held a horseshoe.

"I can't help it I'm excited, Aomine never comes to karaoke bars with me. He said they are lame." Momoi said before walking up our room and unlocking the door. Once the door was opened she walked in, all six of us following.

Once we all were in the room I walked over to the booth and flopped down closer towards the wall and picking up the small control tablet, selecting the snack app. Before I could even order, Momoi snatched the tablet away, hugging it towards her chest.

I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off, "Every two snacks is one song." Was all she said causing both Murasakibara and I to talk over one another with protests.

"But Momoi/momoichin," Our pleas fell on deaf ears as Momoi stood up and began to explain the rules-- all of which she made up.

"Everyone has to sing a song, If not then you have to pay a 3000 yen fine. So this means everyone here will sing since you all are cheap, well except for Akashi but he doesn't have to sing. It's his party so we should entertain him.

"Next rule is, as I said before, every two snack is one song. This means if you order six snacks you have to sing three songs. This rule was created to piss off Aomine but Natsu-Chan and Murasakibara are pissed off too so that's a bonus. Next-"

She was about to continue her list when her mom rung. She had irritation on her face as she took out her phone and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello...I'm out with Aomine and the team...what now but....fine I'm on my way." With an annoyed sigh, she hung up before grabbing her bag and turning to the rest of us. "My mom wants me home, something about her agreeing to babysit the neighbor's kid and her boss calling her in. Now instead of making fun of Aomine's terrible singing, I have to go home. But that doesn't mean the rules don't apply."

Her pink eyes scanning the room before landing on me, "Natsu, if you make them follow the rules I'll buy you food and lessen your training for a week."

Midorima scoffed at this, "As if Natsuru will summon to your-"

"Agreed," Standing up I shook her hand, "I'll even send you videos of them singing if you throw in an extra week."

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