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The doorbell rings, and Jekyll walks to the door holding baby Persik in her arms.

JEKYLL: (She opens the door.) Yes?

MALE: (A guy stands there, he has black hair that seems neat, and he's obviously very fit. Seemingly more fit than any guy in the House, as Jekyll can recall. He's wearing a black sleeveless shirt, and nice fitting jeans. He gives Jekyll a smile, but she notices the gun holster, and doesn't smile back.) Hello there! I'm Tiberius- may I ask who's house this is?

JEKYLL: (She glares at his gun then up at him, holding Persik closer to her.) May I ask who's asking?

TIBERIUS: Certainly Ma'am, see I'm a bounty hunter, and I've been sent here to retrieve somebody by the name of Milo?

JEKYLL: Nobody by that name lives here.

TIBERIUS: Then you wouldn't mind if I came in and took a look around?

JEKYLL: Actually yes, I do mind. This isn't my house, there are children here, and you're a complete stranger.

TIBERIUS: I can show you my badge.

JEKYLL: I don't care to see it. (She gently bounces Persik, making him giggle, as he started getting fussy.)

TIBERIUS: (He sighs.) I have a warrant to search the house regardless of if you let me in or not- so with all due respect I suggest you mo-

JEKYLL: (She slams the door in his face and leaves to put Persik down for a nap.) Lucien! someone's here for you.

LUCIEN: (He heads to the door and opens it to see a pissed looking Tiberius.) Yo?

TIBERIUS: Yes- are you the owner of the house?


TIBERIUS: May I come search for a man by the name of Milo?

LUCIEN: Nobody named Milo lives here.

TIBERIUS: Listen, you know how many times I've heard that in my career?

LUCIEN: I don't give a damn how many times you heard it, my guy, there's nobody by the name of Milo here, and if there was, you could bet your ass I'd be dragging them out to you right fucking now.

TIBERIUS: Let me do a search of your house then.

LUCIEN: Go right ahead you dumbass. Then you owe me an ass kissing for being a god damn moron once you realize nobody's here. (He steps aside for him.)

TIBERIUS: (He goes past him and starts searching the house, starting with the basement first, then the kitchen, living room, and each of the separate rooms, eventually reaching Jekyll's room, where Persik sleeps in a crib.)

JEKYLL: (Softly) What the- oh hell. Lucien you let this guy in?

LUCIEN: I'm watching him Jek don't worry.

TIBERIUS: Listen, I'm just doing my job. I'll leave you all be once I'm done. By the way, ma'am, you have a gorgeous baby.

JEKYLL: I know.

TIBERIUS: (He nods, and leaves her room awkwardly, once checking around a bit more.)

BLANKET: (He steps out into the living room and immediately does a 180 and goes back upstairs.)

LUCIEN: (He rushes to grab him and pull him back by his hood.) Come here-

TIBERIUS: Oi! Milo Patel! (He grabs him from Lucien.)

BLANKET: ah shit-

TIBERIUS: Thought you said he didn't live here?

LUCIEN: The dude doesn't go by Milo.

TIBERIUS: Yeah? What's he go by?

LUCIEN: Blanket.

TIBERIUS: (He scoffs as he arrests him.) Alright, well time to go back to jail bud. (He ruffles his hair once he's cuffed.)

BLANKET: (He growls and looks down at the floor.)

LUCIEN: What did he even do?

TIBERIUS: Silk Road vendor who skipped bond.


BLANKET: (He mumbles.) deep web drug dealer.

TIBERIUS: Smart occupation huh? (He shoves Blanket towards the door.) Out you go.

LUCIEN: (He hits Tiberius in the back of the head, knocking him out.) And out you go.


LUCIEN: (Nonchalantly) Uh huh. Thank me later. Baxter has bolt cutters in the basement, lets go get those cuffs off you.


LUCIEN: Why are you so shocked?

BLANKET: Just, everyone makes you out to be a selfish asshole who only cares about himself.

LUCIEN: Well, I guess everyone sees me as what I am. Now go get those cuffs off before he wakes back up. I'm only saving your ass once.

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