Baxter plays 20 questions

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At 6:00 AM, Jekyll comes into the kitchen in a long black robe that's tied into a pretty bow near her hips. She goes to the kitchen and fills a small bucket with water, walking right past Faida without noticing.

FAIDA: Well, good morning to you too.

JEKYLL: (She jumps, nearly spilling the water.) Oo- good morning Faida. You startled me.

FAIDA: (She smiles.)

JEKYLL: (She sets the small bucket down near the sink, and starts making coffee.) How come you're up so early this morning?

FAIDA: (She takes out a lighter from her hoodie pocket and starts playing with it, flicking it and leaning back in her chair, not paying too close attention to the conversation.) Why are you?

JEKYLL: (She nods her head towards the bucket of water.) To water my plants. And make some coffee for everyone.

BAXTER: (Has been standing in the basement doorway for about 5 minutes without being noticed.) Can I see your plants?

JEKYLL: Oh jeez. Everyone's trying to kill me this morning.

FAIDA: (She lights up a cigarette.)

JEKYLL: Faida- please smoke on the porch. And yes Baxter! Of course you can hun. Would you like some coffee?

BAXTER: No, not really.

FAIDA: Why are you always so nice to the weirdos, Jek?

JEKYLL: (She gives Faida a very disappointed look.) Faida, the porch please. (She takes an ashtray down from the top of the fridge and hands it to Faida.)

FAIDA: (She flicks her cigarette in the ashtray but rolls her eyes at Jekyll, looking particularly unamused.)

JEKYLL: (She finishes making the coffee, and decides she'll take a cup to Marcy and Lucien later. She sets a cup near Faida, and then grabs the small bucket of water.) Come Baxter,

BAXTER: (He follows after her to her room.)

FAIDA: (She watches them leave and pushes the cup of coffee away.)

Jekyll and Baxter walk to her room together, she opens the door to a room full of foliage. Plants hung over the windows, soaking up the sunlight.

BAXTER: Wow. I guess you have your work cut out for you with watering.

JEKYLL: Aha I think I have my work more cut out for me with Lucien.

BAXTER: It seems you chase responsibility.

JEKYLL: Oh no, plants really aren't much of a responsibility at all.

BAXTER: Plants, and Lucien.

JEKYLL: (She doesn't reply, but instead starts watering her plants.)

BAXTER: You don't have to take care of him the way you do.

JEKYLL: I don't have to do a lot of things.

BAXTER: You're too empathetic. You're not his mom.

JEKYLL: (She starts getting frustrated.) Lucien has had a horrible life. If I can do my part to make it a little better, then I will. If I don't take care of him, who will? And that doesn't only go for Lucien. I would do that for anybody.

BAXTER: Do you want kids, Jekyll?


BAXTER: Or a pet?

JEKYLL: (She sighs and sits down on her bed once she's finished watering.) I don't know.

BAXTER: Aren't you lonely?

JEKYLL: Baxter, I trust that you're not trying to be creepy by asking these questions, because you're one of the most innocent people in this house. So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.


JEKYLL: When I was younger, I wanted kids, yes. I'm 28 now.

BAXTER: A pet? (He gently runs his fingers along the leaves of one of her hanging plants.)

JEKYLL: (She thinks for a moment.) I guess I wouldn't mind a pet. I just don't know if I have time for it right now.

BAXTER: You like taking care of things?


BAXTER: Do you name your plants?

JEKYLL: (She smiles, holding back a tiny chuckle.) No. (She notices his interest in a certain fern.) Baxter, why don't you take that one?

BAXTER: No- these are yours.

JEKYLL: (She stands and takes the plant down to give it to him with a warm smile.) It's a gift.

BAXTER: (He blushes, unsure what to do.) Thank you.

JEKYLL: Of course sweetheart.

BAXTER: I'm going to name her олень. (olene)

JEKYLL: (She stops for a second, stunned.) Baxter- what language is that?

BAXTER: Russian.

JEKYLL: Why haven't you told anybody that you're Russian?

BAXTER: I'm not friends with anybody here. Nobody likes me.

JEKYLL: Sweetheart, I like you. Don't ever think people don't like you here. We love you here.

BAXTER: (He looks down at his new plant.) You love everybody.

JEKYLL: That doesn't make my love any less special.


After a few moments of silence together, Jekyll finally speaks.

JEKYLL: Oh, shoot, Baxter, I forgot I have to go check on the coffee.

BAXTER: It's okay. I'll take олень to my room.

JEKYLL: Okay, love. What's that mean, anyway? (She asks as she leaves the room, Baxter following behind her.)


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