Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Alright Tom? Haven't seen you in a while, how's you and your bird?" Peter laughed.

"Got rid of her didn't i!" winked Tom.

"No way, howcome?"

"Wasn't pulling her weight if you get what I mean," Tom winked again.

"Usual?" Peter insisted.

"Yeah go on."  

"Two pints of stella please love," they both asked at the same time.

They lent over the bar and stared at her bending over. They were still looking at the curves on her astonishing figure. 

"Eyes are up here lads." she didn't hesitate to speak.

Peter and Tom were your usual 'lads' they didn't care about what anyone thought of them as long as they were getting what they wanted which was usually intimacy with as many women as possible.

The door to the pub was flung open,

"Look at the tits on that!" they both said with their eyes fixed and jaws dropped. 

Whilst Tom was living with Lauren and her mum, he was the same. He was always talking about how women should have big assets and curves not realising what this was doing to Lauren. He was her father. Every daughter looks up to their father right? He didn't realise that the words he was saying would circle in her head day in day out making her feel like she wasn't pretty enough for even her dad to accept and love her. He doesn't see her anymore, which made her feel like the split between her parents was her fault. 

These words aren't the only thing that affected Lauren and the way she thinks and feels about herself though. Tom abused her for months and months on end, over and over when he was drunk. She has a scar on her left shoulder from where he threw the iron at her when it had only just been turned off and a chipped rib from where he threw her down the stairs. Lauren also witnessed her father beat her mother since she was 2 but for some reason both Lauren and her mother have never spoken about this, which made Lauren feel like it was normal for this to happen as they were both obviously doing something wrong for her father to act this way, but this wasn't the case and look where it took Lauren. 

Years of physical and mental abuse has left her hanging on to her life. No one should ever feel that they aren't perfect and especially not from their parents. Tom didn't realise what he was doing when he was drunk but that's no excuse. He's left his family for the one thing that turns him into a monster and thinks it's funny. 

Laurens mum has no idea what Lauren is doing to herself because Lauren feels that if she finds out then she will break down even more, is it fair that she's going through this alone because of the one man who was meant to be her best friend from the moment she was born? Her dad broke her heart before any boy could.

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