"You're not a wolf though! Alpha knew you wouldn't have wanted that. He just gave you a bit of his blood, I swear Luna. It wasn't enough to turn you completely! " Aquil murmured. 

"So...what does that make me?"

He shrugged. "It healed you, but sometimes you can gain the sight, smell and hearing of one- but not the shift. Although its not very common." 

I moved away from him, and started marching back to the pack house. 

"....W-Where are you going? Luna?" He cried out, following me. 

I already knew where Lykos would be, and I was angry. Why woudn't he tell me? My mate?  Why did I have to force it out of Aquil? I clenched my fists, my heart hammering in my chest. 

I deserved to know. 

"Luna, please. We didn't know that-" 

A snarl ripped through my mouth, slicing the thick tension. I felt my teeth elongate, stabbing my tongue, and I turned towards Aquil. 

His face was white, and backed off, bowing. 

I threw open the door of the great hall. The chattering of the warriors and elders ceased- Lykos sat at the head of the table and watched me. 

"Out." He muttered. 

Like a spell, everyone pushed themselves out of their chairs and fled the room. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sneered. "I deserved to know." 

As if he heard the conversation between me and Aquil, he easily responded; 

"I didn't think that the blood would change you. There was a very low possibility, it was just to heal you." 

"Does it matter? You should have told me!" I stalked towards him, whilst he sat calmly at the end of his stupid table. It only made me more enraged. 

"What are you going to do?" He said, crossing his arms. "What's done is done." 

I threw up my arms in exasperation. I wanted to throttle him. I came to an resolution that he couldn't deny. 

"I'm half werewolf now. I can defend myself perfectly. You can't stop me from-"


He stood up, and towered over me. I gulped- but refused to back down. 

I bared my teeth- showing my extended canines. He looked surprised, and grabbed my chin tilting my head back, looking closer. 


"H-hey!" I yelled out, pushing him away. He wasn't even paying attention to my outburst. Lykos was treating me as if I were a child. 

"We've already had this conversation." He snapped. 

"We are having it again." 


"I'm not a child. I can protect myself." 

"Which is why you got kidnapped, twice." 

We both knew he stepped a line. Hot tears of frustration escaped my eyes. 

"Fuck you." I sneered. We were so close that I could hear his laboured breathing. 

The moment he placed his hands on my hips all thought flew out the window. 

He swiped all the papers and glasses on the floor before pushing my down to the table and smashing his lips against mine. Teeth meeting teeth, I pulled his hair harshly only getting a growl in return. 

In my head I was screaming but It was like I wasn't controlling anything until he had ripped off my clothes and gripped my waist. 


I was glaring at him from the chair I sat on. I was naked underneath the crimson cape that I wore, which I had wrapped around me. 

Lykos seemed as content as a flower in summer. 

I picked the thread as he continued with his work, my face settled into a permanent frown. We didn't get anywhere- the argument had flown over both our heads and ended up with angry sex. 

"I hate you." I mumbled pathetically. 

"Mhm.." He hummed in response, eyes scanning over my curled form. 

"I want to fight, Lykos." I said. Maybe if I tried another approach he would...

"Red." He started. "I'm sorry, but I wont allow it."

My throat swelled up and I wanted to cry. I had to protect my pack, I felt useless if I wasn't involved. The anxiety formed wasps in my stomach. 

"You can try to stop me." I glared at him. 

"We are not doing this again, Red. Unless you want it to end up like it did last time." 

"Tch." I grumbled, looking away as a blush crawled its way up from my neck. 

I decided to leave it for a moment, and pester him again but I was too late. Aquil had burst into the hall. 

"The vampires have-" He coudn't finish because Lykos had already grabbed me and hauled me out of the door. 

"Let me go!" I yelled out. Gripping his hand that held onto my wrists like handcuffs. 

"Aquil, get the warriors, I want two stationed outside the safe room." He snapped. 

I was struggling furiously now, I knew what he was planning to do. 

"Aquil! I swear on all the Gods If you don't help me-" I was cut off by Lykos hauling me up and throwing me over his shoulder. 

I started to pound on his back, my knees constantly attacking his chest. It hurt me more than it did him, I was useless against an werewolf. Let alone an Alpha. 

"I'm sorry, Luna." Aquil said from somewhere behind me. 

I was getting dizzy from all the blood rushing to my head, and I let out a groan of despair and nausea. 

Lykos threw me into a sealed room, but I had rolled up from the floor and was already flying at him. The door closed at overwhelming seeds. I overestimated the momentum that I had garnered and threw myself at the door-

-I hit my head on the steel frame and saw colours. 


yes. she blacked out bcs she hit herself on the door lol. 

quick chapter. 



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