Chapter 18

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Ellie's pov
Ugh school was finally almost over, only 20 minutes left. But the teacher I had for art was honestly the most boring teacher ever.

No over exaggeration. Then the door knocked. Probabaly just another teacher wanting to chat to miss.Grunwall.

I was wrong.

"Mr.Fords wants to speak to Ellie Dibben." He stated, reading off of a postick note. Oh god. *mentally face palming*

"Does she need her bags or?...." "uhm yeah I think so." Charlie replied acting as if he had no clue.

I could see him wink trough the corner of my eye and I packed my things into my bag.

"See you Ellie." Sir told me, sending me a quick smile before going back to his computer.

I innocently pushed my bag further up my shoulder and Charlie closed the door behind me.

"Thankyou." I smiled, following Charlie out of he gates.

"Where are we even going?" I asked curiously, wondering why we actually left school.

I mean I was glad he saved me from that lesson, but I wanted to know what we were doing.

"I don't know. Just decided maybe you wanted to ditch." He said simply, but a small smirk appeared. I could see the edges of his lips curl slightly and his bag started to fall off his shoulder.

Walking beside Charlie he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the woods that lead to my house.

It was nice to get in the shade as it was quite sunny. And ngl I was kinda hot.

"Are we going to-.." I began to say but was stopped my Charlie's lips smashing onto mine.

The kiss didn't last long, but it was passionate and loving. I felt comfortable kissing him.

"Ellie. I'm absolutely shit at doing stuff like this and I know I didn't plan anything's me so ya know. Um....I know we haven't Known each other long....but there's just something about you. Just something about the way you smile, and your laugh, and how you always tries to see the good in people, I don't really know, there's just something about you that's kinda special. And I'd like to know......will you be my girlfriend?" I could see him a little scared, which was unusual for Charlie, but at the same time he seemed decently confident.

But I couldn't believe what he was asking me right now?! Why me?! "Charlie.....really? Is this for real?" I asked him, unsure of why he'd choose me over anyone in the school.

I mean, he could get just about anyone he wants. "Yes I'm for real. Will you?" He asked, a big grin stretched out onto his face.

At this moment I was really happy. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Yes I will. I really like you Charlie." I told him, smiling but also tying not to laugh.

I can't do serious situations.

"Good. I love you so much." He said softly, placing his hands firmly on my waist giving me another kiss. This one was more slow but didn't last as long.

"I love you too."


"Wait Why are we celebrating again?" I asked Andy to remind me, lifting my feet up onto the sofa.

The boys all looked at me. "Well...we got 5mil views on our music video which is a big deal, we've never ever had that much!" Mikey exclaimed, laughing lightly.

"Yeah I just think it's appropriate to have a small party or something. It'll be fun." Andy added.

"Siiiiiick!" Rye yelled, bringing a box of cider over to us.

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