chapter 14

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Ellie's POV
It was fourth period, and I was in English, by myself. No surprise.

Neither Harvey, Bronnie nor Charlie were in the same class as me, and so I sat alone zoning out, not taking in a word of what the teacher was saying.

As I do bored, and unaware of what we were even meant to be doing, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and debated on texting Charlie.

I gave in, and had to text him. I was missing him, even though it was like, 4th period.

Me: Heyyy
Me: I'm so bored
Me: please reply :(

I moaned slightly, since he wouldn't reply, then a voice spoke up as I looked to my left and jumped out of my skin.

"Why you um, noising about my phone?" I asked. The red head girl looked at me, eyes squinted slightly.

"I got bored. And by the way, Charlie's probably not answering because he's with his girlfriend, Crystal I think." She answered sharply, before turning away and smirking slightly.

My heart sunk as she said the words 'girlfriend'. I turned from her and deleted me and Charlie's conversation.

Who was this girl and why was she in our business anyway?

But the thing was, I really really liked Charlie more than anyone I'd ever liked ever.

But the saddest part was, that I thought that there was a possibility that he liked me back.

I was now pissed off. Very pissed with Charlie anyway. And no, I wasn't one of those jealous bitches, but he never said anything about her, and he acted as if he could of liked me! He flirted with me and sht and now this!?

Tears pricking in my eyes, threatening to spill, I took a deep breath and decided to try reading what was written in my book.

I then decided to stop being such a wimp and just get on with life. So I sat and completed my English work, forgetting that Charlie ever existed.

As soon as the bell ring at 1, I chucked my stuff in my bags and ran to the toilet.

After sitting in the stall for about 10 minutes, just trying to contain my anger and sadness, I walked out as if nothing had happened and made my way to the hall.

People probably thought I was having a sht....oops.

As I got to the hall, Bronnie and Hårvēy greeted me, but thankfully Charlie wasn't around.

We all queued up and then got our stuff and sat down.

Not being bothered to talk, I sat quietly and munched on my slice of pizza.

"Hey, you okay?" Harvey asked. I looked up quickly and nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?" Bronnie asked me, and I nodded in response, followed by a small, hopefully convincing smile.

After scrolling through my Instagram feed for a while, I stopped at a photo of Charlie, and some girl.

I glanced at her, then checked to see if she was tagged. She was. It was the girl that red head had told me about, 'Crystal'.

Trying not to cry, I looked at her profile and she had no bio, but loads of photos.

Her feed was filled with selfies of her and her fake lips. I didn't like the look of this girl, though I shouldn't of been one to judge.

Then just to my luck, Charlie walked in smiling, and sat opposite me. I wasn't in the mood for him, so I completely blocked him out.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I heard a faint voice ask. But I wasn't really listening, as I was trying not to.

Bronnie and Harvey exchanged looks before turning to me. I shrugged and continued to eat the last of my pizza.

Then about 20 minutes later Charlie grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out of the hall as I screamed.

"Hey! Careful there!" Bronnie shouted. "Didn't have to grab her." Harvey added as he dragged me out of the hall.

"Hey got off me! You have no right to touch me!!" I screamed at him, then he suddenly let go and had a look of sorrow and guilt on his face. But it was probably fake.

"I'm sorry. But why aren't you talking to me?" He asked, sounding as if he was trying not to yell.

I stood there, and stared at him. Was this guy serious? Why!?

I moaned and tried walking away, but I couldn't just leave like that as he kept calling and shouting my name.

"Why haven't you spoken to me today? You won't even look at me!" He said as I then looked at the ground.

"You know why." I replied bluntly, trying not to get emotional. I needed to deal with things myself and not make a big deal out of them.

He kept asking me and then started telling. Then, i'd had it. "Cuz your fuckin me about! There!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

We were currently standing in the parking lot, eyeing each other up.

"What! How am I fucking you about? Your fuckin me about now." He called back.

I sighed, knowing that nothing was going to get better from telling, but I couldn't contain myself.

"You acted like there was something going on between us, acted like you actually, liked me, and you know what, you can't just play a girl like that then go off with someone else!" I screamed, letting our all my anger. Though I felt a bit bad.

He looked at me in sorrow and frowned. "What?" He asked quietly.

"You didn't answer my text, I spoke to that red headed girl and saw your fuckin Instagram! I heard about you fuckin people over before anyway. I was just to blind to see it!" I was now shouting really really loud.

"Hey, well I heard your a slut! And that you believe e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e thing you hear!" He shouted back.

Now I just let my emotions out, as tears started streaming down my face. He called me a slut...

"I'm a slut am I? Oh I'm sorry about that. Go fuck yourself." I muttered, before turning around and storming off, out of the school gates.

Since I had nowhere else to go, I decided to hear home.

Charlie's POV
I'd messed up really badly, really really badly. Me and a Crystal were just friends, but I didn't have the courage to tell her.

So I grabbed her and yelled at her and I didn't mean anything I said, but I panicked, it was all in the moment.

Then Someone grabbed me from behind, making me jump slightly. It was Harvey.

"What the fuck did you do!?" He asked me, eyebrows furrowed. Then I sighed.

"Lost her to my stupid mistakes. Lost her, that's what I did."

Hope ya liked this chapter. It might of been kinda boring I'm sorry but yeah. What do you think about Ellie and Charlie's argument?
Should Ellie have yelled at Charlie?
Should Charlie have yelled back or even grabbed her arm?
Would you forgive Charlieh if u were in that position? x

And the reason I haven't changed the font and stuff throughout this is because I originally typed it into my notes then copy and pasted it :p

Adopted by RoadtripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora