twenty seven

227 12 2

h a r r y

Louis was right, I was worrying for nothing. That went perfect. I hope the party goes as well as the wedding did. I should thank him for calming me. Good luck finding him, there's so many people here. I look around and find him sitting at a table alone in the back of the room. I walk over to him and sit down across from him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Do you know how much it hurts to watch the girl you loved more than anything else to be having fun without you?" He says, looking over at me. I almost forgot that he and Grace were having some issues. They lasted longer than I thought they would though.

"I've never loved anyone as much as I love Lexi, but I can guess how it would feel."

"It hurts. Like hell." He sighs heavily.

"Louis, I want to be honest with you. If you want her, you need to man up and go get her back. That's what any other guy would do if they loved someone that much. You know, you helped me so much earlier. I thought I was going to go crazy, but you where right. It went perfect, and I hope to be able to return the favor on your wedding day. Go get her." I smile at him. Louis nods and stands up slowly.

"Thanks." He says and walks off to find Grace. I stand up and look around. I need to find something to do. I know I should be with Lexi, but I don't want to be that clingy boyfri-husband that doesn't leave their wife. Husband. That's going to take some getting used to.

l e x i

There's so many people, how does Harry even know them? I don't think I know half these people. Speaking of Harry, where is he? I think I saw him talking to Louis a few minutes ago. I'd ask Louis where he was but he's talking to Grace and I don't want to ruin his chance of getting back with her. Even though I didn't like the idea of it in the beginning, they really make a good couple. Grace was heartbroken when they broke up but I can tell she's trying to act like she's fine tonight.

"Hello my beautiful bride." I jump slightly and turn around to see Harry laughing softly.

"You scared me half to death!" I say, trying my hardest not to smile.

"I'm sorry!" He covers his mouth, still laughing. "You have to admit, it's pretty funny."

"You say that about every joke you make." I smirk and he stops laughing.

"I thought you said they were funny!"

"I say a lot of things, Harry. So do you." I grab his hands.

"I say a lot, but I'm still convinced that they're funny."

"That's because you're not the one hearing them all the time." I laugh softly and kiss his cheek.

"So you just humor me?" He pouts.

"No you're funny. Back to what I was saying. What ever happened to you wanting to wait until you're ready?"

"I guess when you find the right person that you know you love more than anything in the world and you're ready to spend your life with them, that all changes." He says and I smile up at him.

"No matter how early in your life it is?"

"Why should it matter if you love them?"

"True." I say and look across the room to see Grace and Louis dancing together, her head on his shoulder and arms around his neck. "I'm guessing this means they're back together." I smile.

"Either that or one, maybe even both of them is drunk." He says, laughing lightly. "That's good, Louis seemed so upset earlier."

"I'm sure he was, I would be if I lost who I loved too." I say and Harry looks down at me, smiling slightly.


h a r r y

The rest of the party went well, if you could even call it a party. Everyone seemed happy and I actually had a good time. Tonight went so much better than I, and I'm sure Lexi, thought it would.

We go outside and walk over to the car. I open Lexi's door and she smiles, getting in. I walk over to my side and get in, closing the door behind me.

"Are we leaving tonight?" She asks, looking over at me. I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that." I say.

"Okay..." I can tell she's a little nervous about what I'm going to say.

"I want to make sure that it's the best trip both of us, mostly you, have ever had. So, instead of surprising you, I wanted you to choose." She starts to interrupt me but I hold a finger up. "I know you aren't good with choices, but I wanted to take you to the place you've always wanted to go." She stays quiet for a minute then speaks up.

"Harry, you know I'm bad with decisions, and I'm just saying this. I'll be happy wherever I am, even at home, as long as I'm with you. We don't necessarily have to go anywhere to enjoy our time after the wedding."

"So what you're saying is you don't care if we stay home?"

"Do you want to stay home so you can lay in the bedroom all day?" She asks and I laugh.

"Yes, that's totally why. I just want to make sure that you'll be happy. But like you said, you'll be happy anywhere as long as we're together. So we could stay home for a few days then go somewhere random, is that okay?"

"Yes, Harry. It's okay." She laughs softly and I smile. Now I just have to think of somewhere that we could go.



For anyone wondering (if any..) there will be a sequel to this story, I don't know when I'm going to post it though. I would like to work on the stories that I currently have out before working on the sequel for this story. I have started it, but I still need to edit it.
Thanks for reading!

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