Chapter One

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"Get out and never ever come back." Was the last thing Betty heard her mother say to her. Betty knew she had no where to go, except for the streets. Tears ran down her cheeks as she found a spot on the curb miles from her house. Freezing, she laid down.

Betty was shaking as she laid there when a young women walked up to her and handed her a bagel.
"Thank you." Betty said. They women nodded and walked on. "God please." Betty said while shaking.

As Betty sat there she saw a boy with a serpent jacket on walking by. He was on the phone. "I don't care how the hell you do it, just do it Sweet Pea!" The boy said through the phone. Betty looked at him.

The boy saw Betty and walked over to her.
"Are you ok?" He asked her. "I don't have a place to live. My mother threw me out." "Why?" "Long story.." Betty's voice cracked. "I'm Jughead." "Betty."
Jughead stuck his hand out. "Come with me. I think I have a place where you can stay." Betty grabbed his hand and followed him.

"Here we are." Jughead said. The sign read "Whyte Wyrm" "Ok Betty, I'm a Serpent obviously. Everyone else in there, there Serpents too. And they don't like northsiders. So don't act all like, it's trashy in there, because it's apart of us. I know you guys have like huge houses but us serpents don't. So please don't be a bitch." Jughead said. "Jughead, I wouldn't act like that." Betty said. "Ok good, because if you do, your out and back on the streets."
"Wait Jughead? Does this make me a serpent?"
"Hell no." Jughead said. "I mean if you wanted too,
you can't just join there's stuff you gotta do."
"Like what?" "Doesn't matter, your not joining. Your not cut out for it. Now let's get inside before you freeze to death." Jughead said.

And Betty and Jughead walked in.

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