Chapter 6

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Unbeknownst to Mable, there was a meeting going on in Master Theo's private study. Labelle sat in one of the study chairs, rubbing her feet and eyeing her childhood friend. Monsieur Lune stood right behind her. If his feet ached as much as hers, he didn't say, but when a man has the ability to pop one place to another with a thought he really has no right to complain about sore feet.

Theo paced in front of the fireplace, ignoring his two confidantes. Labelle exchanged a weary glance with Monsieur Lune. Monsieur Lune had heard from a footman and Labelle from Cecile that the dinner had not gone well.

Tired of this mood, Labelle let out a gusty sigh.

Theo spun around and glared at her. "What?"

"Why don't you just say what is on your mind, instead of wearing a hole in the floor with your pacing?" Labelle said. She indicated to Monsieur Lune and herself. "We have had a long day, and are tired. We would like to go to bed."

Theo just growled at her and turned away. Labelle glanced up at Monsieur Lune. His face held the same, cool detachment it usually did, but Labelle could see the lines around the Seneschal's mouth deepen. She had known Monsieur Lune for all her life; he had been training as the House Seneschal when she was but a toddler and took over as Seneschal when she and Theo were barely teenagers. His commitment to Theo's family was only in second to his daughter, and while he usually deferred to Theo in public, he wouldn't hesitate to put the boy in his place in private. She knew from talking to him earlier that he was also disappointed in Theo's behavior tonight.

"What is it that bothers you, Master Theo?" he said now, solicitous as ever. Labelle crossed her arms and waited.

She was disturbed that Theo wouldn't meet her eyes, and that he turned to Monsieur Lune.

"Lune, what do you think of this...this girl?" he asked Monsieur Lune, carefully avoiding her narrow stare.

Monsieur Lune hesitated before he spoke. "I think Lady Mable is a charming young woman. She is polite, she has been friendly towards everyone she met. I would say she likes children, by the way my Maddie is responding to her. She values family...I gather from what she has said in passing that her father is ill, and she has been caring for him. She seems to be adapting to this situation as well as can be expected. At least she didn't run screaming for the door." Monsieur Lune's smile was wry, "I would even go so far as to say that she is brave. It took a lot of courage to find her way here, fighting the dark and snow, and sleep among strangers."

Theo waved away Monsieur Lune's opinions. "Yes, but is she what you pictured? I mean, she does not seem very Lady-like."

Labelle's temper rose. Oh, there was something wrong here all right.

Monsieur Lune's eyebrows rose. "I think Lady Mable is quite lovely." He told Theo blandly. "And I believe a wise man once said, true beauty lies within." Monsieur Lune placed a gentle hand on Labelle's shoulder, silently asking for her to listen to Theo's answer.

Theo stared at the ground, admonished for a moment. Then he threw his chin up and stubbornly glared at the two of them. "All right, I admit it, I was disappointed with her. I mean, I don't expect perfection, but she can't be what who we need to break the curse. How can someone accept me for my appearance when --" he broke off when Labelle jumped to her feet.

" pig!" she snapped at him, dark eyes blazing. She felt Monsieur Lune step back. When it came to beating sense into Theo, she was the best. "Are you saying that you refuse to like her because you don't find her beautiful? Forgive me, Master, but you aren't exactly a vision of loveliness yourself!"

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