Part 4

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The following day, at mid-morning, we depart. Using a memory I gave him, Dagon whisks us to a small clearing just off the road no more than twenty feet from the house I used to live in. After making sure the road is clear, we exit the clearing onto the road.

Dagon and I lead the way, with our retinue of children following. The house soon appears and it is just as I remember.

We turn onto the short path that leads to the house and, just as instructed, the children halt halfway along. Dagon follows another couple feet before halting. I continue the rest of the way alone, going up to the door. I take a deep breath and knock. A few seconds later, the door is opened by a slim woman with golden hair and green-flecked blue eyes. My mother. Her face registers shock and surprise upon seeing me.

"K-Kadlin?" she asks.

Tears unbidden come to my eyes as I smile and say, "Yes, Mother. It is I."

She throws her arms around me, clasping me in a tight hug, as if I am going to disappear. After a minute, she releases me and just then my father appears. He gathers me in a quick hug before stepping back.

  "Where have you been? We all thought you were surely dead. And who are they?" my mother asks, with a nod to Dagon and the children.  

"I shall tell you the full story later," I say. "The man is my shadow, and those are my children."

My parents faces register shock and disbelief at that last part, and I make a come gesture at Dagon and the children.

Dagon stands beside me, with the children around us. One by one, everyone is introduced to each other.

  My older sister Sigrid appears then. She sees me and tackles me into a bear hug.  

"Thank the gods you are alive and well," she says. "And it is so nice to see your face again."

"And yours too," I say as we come apart. "Do you mind taking charge of my children for a little bit?" I ask her.

Glancing at them with a raised brow, she responds, "Not at all."

With that, leads them away from the house. My parents, Dagon and I go inside to the sitting room. Once we are all find seats, I tell my story.

When I finally finish, they look at me with a mixture of horror and sympathy for what I went through and endured and at Dagon in undisguised hatred.

"Dagon, are you sure that you cannot occupy yourself elsewhere?" I ask.

Giving me that look, he says, "I am sure."

"Fine," I sigh.

For the next two hours, I studiously ignore Dagon as my parents fill me in what has been going on here.

At noon, my parents get up to make lunch, which they insisted they can do by themselves. They leave, leaving me alone with him. Not liking it, I get up and am about to leave when he grabs my arm and turns me around to face him.  

 "Do not ever do that again," he snarls.

"Do what?" I ask, knowing full well what his problem is.

"Ignore me like that."

"Well, you would not leave," I respond, quickly leaving.

 I wander the house and grounds until lunch is ready.  

As everyone comes in for dinner, I notice two golden-haired strangers, who look strikingly similar. They could not have been any older than eleven. My curiosity only grows when they come over to me. Closer, I see they have green eyes flecked with lighter green. They look so like Mother and Father, I cannot help but wonder.

"My name is Ivar," the boy introduces.

"And I am Gyda," the girl says.

"You must be our other big sister," Gyda says.

"Is that so?" I ask with a growing smile on my face.

They both nod, as we seat ourselves at the table. Throughout the meal, we all have a lively conversation.


That night, I climb the stairs to my old room for bed. Thankfully Dagon does not follow. I get ready for bed and slip between the covers. I cannot help but to think of what my life was like before I was 'caught'. Silent tears fall down my face as I wonder what my life could have been like. After some minutes, I calm down enough to think clearly.  

 I should try to escape again. The risks are great, but, if successful, I would be free from him and I would be able to actually live my life again. I would also be with my family again. My regrets would be I would have to leave the children behind. I shall attempt it when we get back. 

 I begin to think of what should happen if I fail. I quickly dispel those thoughts and instead I think of different ways to do it. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening and closing. I sit up, only to see Dagon coming over.

I groan and plead, "Can you please leave me alone for one night?"

"And why should I do that?" he asks, standing at the foot of the bed.

"Because..." I trail off, at a loss for words.

"That is what I thought," says he, getting into bed alongside me.

I make to get out of the bed, but he grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"If you leave, I will cut this little trip short," he says.

What? I start to speak, but he silences me with a finger on my lips.

"Do I really need to remind you of the fact that we are now alone?" he asks.

Right. Alone means trouble and rules are now in effect. I shake my head no and his grip on my arm tightens.

"No sir," I correct.

He releases his grip a fraction and tries to pull me down so I am lying. But I am having none of it. All I want is one night by myself in this house. I yank my arm from his grip and flee to the door. I try to turn the handle, but it will not move. He actually locked the door. I turn around and come face to face with him.

I take a deep breath and plead, "Dagon, please open the door."

In answer, he slaps the side of my face.

"No talking and you do not tell me what to do. Understood?"

Looking at the floor, tears now slipping down my face, I say, "Yes, sir."

"Look me in the eyes."

I slowly raise my eyes to his and repeat what I said.

"Good. The day after tomorrow, we are leaving."

What? No. I try to protest, but he again silences me with a finger to the lips.

"I told you if you try to leave, this trip will be cut short."

"Bastard," I say shoving him away and proceeding to stalk to the window seat.

"Kadlin," he warns.

I ignore him, wishing he would leave me alone. I am nearly there when I am roughly seized by my shoulders and spun around to face him.

"Sleep," he says, passing a hand in front of my face.

I feel myself falling into dreamless sleep.

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