Part 3

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Fifteen years later:

It has been fifteen years since this nightmare began. We now have seven children. Yes, that is right. Children. The eldest are twins. They are unique because one, they all have violet eyes, of varying shades, and two, those eyes are all flecked with green, gold and red. This means they can safely use both Light and Dark magic.

All day, I have been thinking of getting Dagon (that is his name) in letting me see my family

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All day, I have been thinking of getting Dagon (that is his name) in letting me see my family. I have not had any hope in seeing them again, but perhaps now that we have children, it would be possible.

After dinner, I finally pluck up my courage and quietly ask Dagon if I could speak to him in private, with a knowing glance at the children. Looking at me for the longest moment, he finally says, "All right."

Dismissing the children, he leads me up to 'our' bedroom. After closing the door, he turns to me and asks, "What is it?"

"Do you think it is possible for us to visit my family?" I question.

"Seeing that you have no cause to run," he says, "then I suppose we could go."

Relieved, I say, "Thank you. But I want to tell my parents the truth, alone."

"You can tell them the truth, but I am staying with you and that is that."

  Knowing that look, I sigh. "Fine."   

  He smiles and says, "Go inform them of our trip and that we will be leaving mid-morning tomorrow. When you are done, come back here."  

I nod, though I do not like what that might entail, and leave. It takes a good ten minutes to find and round up everyone to the entry hall.

With everyone looking at me expectantly, I announce, Mid-morning tomorrow, we will be leaving to visit my family for a couple days."

They burst into excited chatter, and they head up to their rooms.

"Remember to be packed before then!" I call after them. 

I continue to stand there after they are gone. A thought comes to me. Why should I go in there willingly to let him do what he wants?  

On a guess, I drift over to the first stair. Getting into a crouch, I run a finger along the lip of the stair. My finger runs over a button and I push it. A soft click sounds to my left. Looking over, I notice a small, barely discernible gap. Pushing aside the wall reveals a small open space directly beneath the stairs. A perfect hiding place. I duck in and close the wall, making sure to leave an opening that is not too noticeable.

A few minutes pass and I hear footsteps on the stairs, going down. They are too heavy to be a child's; it must be Dagon. I try to steady my breathing, praying to the gods to not let Dagon find me.

My prayers go unheard and the wall is pushed aside, showing me him. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"Did you really think that you could hide from me?" he asks. "I know all the hiding spots in this house."

He reaches down to haul me up and I take my chance. I push him aside as I exit, trying to get to the front door. It does not happen. An arm wraps around my waist, pulling me directly against him. I thrash in his arms, trying to get out to no avail.

"Let go of me," I hiss.

"No." is his answer, and one second we are here and the next, we are in 'our' room.

With difficulty, he steers me to the bed, and turns me around so I am facing him. He pushes down on my shoulders, forcing me sit on the edge of the bed. I try to get up but find I cannot.

"I gave you an order and you directly disobey it. Would you like to say why?"

Looking at the ground, I mutter a no.

"No what?"

"No, sir," I bite out.

"Good." Without warning, he backhands the right side of my face, surely leaving a mark. I hold a hand to my throbbing cheek.

He then proceeds to have his way with me.

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