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Hello my dear readers ^^. It's @EunHee__ at your service.  

"I know uncle but.."

"You're not meeting him Angeline and make this clear in your head."-He exclaimed.

I remember those moments I had with my parents. Though I don't have much of them but they are precious. And I want to know who is this guy who is the reason why I lost them.

"Then I'm not singing tonight."I said angrily. He thought for a while.

"Get ready for your college Angeline. I'll see you tonight at the party.", he said and went out of the room.

Ian's POV

"Hey! Wait for me!"

We were playing together in the park-Blossom Point. I was looking at the tree-she named it Mr. Guard TreeWee. We hid ourselves here from others several time when we're about to be punished. She told she named it Guard TreeWee because it'll always save us.

My hand embraced the little carves we made-"We'll always be there for each other no matter what, promise?",she said carving a picture of a small girl holding hands with a boy.

"Promise.", I replied giving the final finishing to the carving. She giggled. I can still remember her smile-the way her pink rosy lips curled.

She suddenly pulled my hair, and started running away before I could catch her. But I found it cute how she stuck her tongue out, challenging me to catch her.

The way her light brown silky hair flew while laughing and jumping around, the way she put her whole attention to me ignoring every other people around us somehow quickened my heart beat and I didn't know why.

"You're a weakling duhh!" She teased me with a playful smirk on her face. "You can't even keep up with my speed!"

"Let's see who's slow." I smirked back and dashed towards her.

She screamed and ran away from me again. But her actions were in vain since she was slower than me. I was only some milimeters away from grabbing her arm--

"Wake up!"
I jolted to a sitting position when someone kicked me on the gut. I looked to see who interrupted my dream, and it was none other than the annoying dickhead. In other words, the caretaker of the prison. I couldn't help but glare at him.

"Look at you!" He scoffed and slapped me across the face. "How dare you give me that look?! You're in prison and you're enjoying dreams with a smile on your face?! You don't fucking deserve it!"

He kicked me on my stomach, making me cough and grab it, trying to ease the pain.
"Leave me alone!" I growled at him.
He kicked me one last time before disappearing from my sight.

I sighed. This was common here. The employees here would just come and beat the prisoners without any reasons. More like a way to let out their anger. I scoffed and rubbed my shin where he kicked. Being prisoners still doesn't mean they're allowed to treat us this way.

I leaned on the cold brick wall and closed my eyes. I wanted to continue the dream, but I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't even get to catch her or feel her touch even in my dream.

I punched the ground, my knuckles getting red. I'm probably going to get a bruise. I didn't even know what's the time and there were no windows to assume as well. 

There were some shufflings noise coming from the metal bars. It was another caretaker with a plate of food on his hand. He opened the door and carelessly pushed the plate at me, making some of the food fall off of it.

"Here's your breakfast you freak!" He shouted at me and went away to give away food the same way to the other prisoners.

I carefully pulled the plate towards me. It was three pieces of stale bread, as usual. My hands that are chained struggled to reach it. And I had no other options than to shove it down my thirsty throat-we were rarely provided with drinking water.


I hope you guys are liking the story. Please continue reading our story <3

Also you can check out my 'Insane' story in my account. It's Jungkook's fanfic ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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