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Hey everyone!
Its s_tuladhar13 here. Those who have been reading my book 'In love I Guess' might have known how much of a quote fan I am by now :P For those who don't you can go check it out as well ;)  So Here's a quote for you guys-

"The tiger and the lion might be more powerful but the wolf doesn't perform in the circus."

I hope you guys will love this book. The next chapter will be written by EunHee__  <3
So without any further delay lets start this journey of Better Than Never. ;D
Keep supporting & enjoying~

Love you guys.. xoxo <3

My morning sleep was interrupted by a loud voice. I grabbed a pillow and covered my ears to go back into my dream but I couldn't.

"Yes, I want it to be perfect for my princess."-a loud voice said. "No! Not those. I need black roses and put some white ones there. I don't want any mistake. A single mistake and you'll lose your job. Got that?!", he yelled.

I hate it when my sleep is spoiled. I was stepping out of my room-"Good morning Miss Emerson." A sweet familiar voice greeted me.

"Good morning Anna", I said hugging her. I took a sip of my latté that my maid Anna handed me over.

Anna had been working as a maid since I was born. She's basically a pretty woman in her sixties though her skin still looks glossy . She has blonde hair tied into a french knot. Her eyes are light brown in color. She is shorter than me and has a really good British accent-Although I have some too.

I came down the stairs and wow! My entire house is decorated with black, white and some red roses-balloons all over the floor. This is all just perfect-All that I wanted for my birthday. I am really stunned.

"Good morning princess."-I turned to face my one and only idol and my inspiration, my uncle.

He is a tall ,handsome and one of the famous business man with grey hair-he's sixty five years old. He wore a black suit with a red tie perfectly tied to his neck. I won't forget to mention the black pen he uses to carry in his pocket-He once said it was designed on a special request and the cover of the pen had two letters encrypted-T.E. standing for Travis Emerson.

"Morning uncle.,"I said, hugging him. "And thanks. I love the decoration-Just what I had dreamt. But you know I don't like seeing you taking much stress. Why were you shouting?",I asked throwing myself into the sofa-I love doing that, feels like I'm on a cloud.

"Oh that! I was talking on the phone umm.. leave it anyways. Today's your day so lets not spoil it talking nonsense. Wait I have a good news for you.", he said grabbing the remote of the TV and switched it on.

"Breaking news! Mr.Travis Emerson, the uncle of the very famous, our youngest and favorite singer Miss. Angeline Emerson has organized a grand party for her birthday tonight. Her fans are looking forward for her birthday party and are very excited. "-the reporter stated.

"I just love my fans.", I said as uncle turned off the TV. "Tonight its going to be a big grand party for my princess."-he said.

"Thank you uncle. Love you. You're the best.", I said hugging him. "There's another big surprise waiting for you in your room. Go check.",uncle said and my smile grew wider. My curiosity was in the highest level.

I left the cup on the table and quickly ran upstairs. Meanwhile, my foot hit the door. "Ouch!"-I know I'm a bit clumsy but that will not decrease my curiosity right now.

Just as I opened the door to reveal the surprise-"Wow!" In front of me was a beautiful black off shoulder gown having black glittered lace. 'This is so much astonishing.'-I thought.

"I hope you liked your surprise Angel."-I turned around to face my uncle leaning on the side of the door. "Very!!..thank you so much-you're the best uncle in this whole wide world." I said as I grinned.

"You know how much your uncle loves you, right?",he said. "I do"-I replied. "And umm uncle what gift am I getting from you tonight?" I asked, biting my lips .

"Curious , huh? Anything you demand for princess.",he said.
"Really? Promise?!" I asked, excited.

"Ask for anything and I promise you won't be disappointed . I promise dear." My grin grew more and more wider. I am so much lucky to get an uncle like him.

"Umm.. well. Actually.. umm"-I rambled.

"Just say Angeline. You know there's nothing this old man can't do for you?", he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ok! I want to meet him uncle."-My heart pounced as I was thinking of asking for something that could make him seriously mad on me. But I'm not leaving this chance.

"No Angeline. Not this."-I could feel his anger growing slowly. His eyebrows curled in a way to show that he isn't happy with my demand.

"Please! Please!" I pleaded.
"You know why I can't let you meet him.", he said straight away.

"But uncle.." " No Angeline!", he shouted. He took a deep breath. " Get ready for your school Angeline. Alex will be driving you to school-I have a very important meeting to attend. I'll see you later in the evening. "

He turned towards the door and was about to go out. "I thought you loved me. I..I thought you'd fulfill your promise. I believed you uncle.",I said in a small voice but made sure that he listened.

Just as I thought, he stopped. "You told you'll give me anything I want. This is it uncle. I want to see him. I want to know who the guy is. You've never let me meet him, you kept telling that I was still young. But I'll turn eighteen today." - I said angrily closing my eyes hoping that he'll agree.

"You know its important for me"-I said in a low voice.

"But you don't understand..Its dangerous for you Angel, he can hurt you.

He killed your parents."

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