Part 18 - kindness

Start from the beginning

"Oh gosh thank god" he said then we continued to walk.

We were walking on the sidewalk until my phone was suddenly ringing, i looked into the phone screen and saw Laura's face on it. I picked it up and she asked me to pick up Jacob from school cause she was going to the hospital with the driver. I actually worried about her condition but she told me that Gabriel was going to be with her, i had to be at Jacob's school before 1pm while that was 12 pm.

"I'm so so sorry Ayden i think I'm going to ruin our time again." I said to him.

"Why?" He asked me.

"I have to pick up Jacob from school" i said to him.

He was standing in front of me wearing a white shirt which looking so perfect on him, his piercing eyes were looking at me.

"Can i go with you?" He asked which was surprising.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Of course, lets get our car" he said to me.

I didn't know what did i do to deserve a man like him, he was older than me but sometimes i felt bad for him. He always be the one to fix everything with our relationship with his patient, but i also felt comfortable with that. He was the typical guy that i needed in my life and i loved him so much.

He drove the car into Jacob's school where i had to show him the rode cause he never been into Jacob's school before. He parked the car on the parking lot then I told him to wait inside the car but he wanted to accompany me to pick up jacob at the lobby since Jacob didn't know that the driver wasn't going to pick him up today.

"This is actually my School back when i was around jacob's age" I said to him while he was walking next to me towards the lobby.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yeah, such a good old day" i smile which made him smile.

"This is also the place i met Jace" i said.

"So you've been friends with him for a really long time" He asked me.

"Yes just like what i told you" i said.

His hand reached mine to hold, i felt his warm hand locked with mine. His tall figure covering me from the sunlight, looking up at him seemed looking up to see an angel with a sweet smile and beautiful heart. Like i said his soul was beautiful and he was a real adult who could face any problem calmly.

"I'm glad that you to chose Oxford" He said.

I smiled.


"If you chose some other place maybe I don't have you right now by my side" he said before bringing my hand closer into his lip.

"But if we really meant to one another no matter how many miles away destiny will bring us together" he said to me and i nodded with a smile.

We stopped right in front of the lobby we were waiting for jacob to walk out from the red door, we didn't have to wait any longer cause a few minutes later the bell was ringing and i started to see so many children walked out of the school.

I'm falling for my Ex Fiancé - (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now