when he confesses

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Yusaku P.O.V

'Okay todays the day that I confess my feelings for (y/n)' i thought as I continue to walk to class feeling nervous.
'What if (y/n) rejects me?!' I thought starting to panick a little.

"Hey yusaku are you okay you looking pretty nervous right now?" I heard (y/n) say as I quickly calm myself down and face her.
"No I'm not nervous I'm just cold I think I'm just starting to get sick." I said

"Oh are you getting a fever?" I heard (y/n) say as she puts her hand on my forehead and I start to blush crazy.

"Wow yusaku your burning up and your face is all red maybe you should go to the nurse office." I heard her say as she takes her hand off.

"No I'm fine." I said while looking away
"Common yusaku you have to go what if it's something serious." I heard her say while sounding worried

"Okay I'll go but during lunch alright." I said while she just nodded her head agreeing with it.

With the school nurse

"Well it doesnt seem you have a fever yusaku and everything seems okay so nothing to worry about." The nurse said to both me and (y/n).

"Well that's a relief then why was he burning up this morning and he said he was feeling cold?" (Y/n) asked looking confused

"Hmm my guess is that it went away then since I couldn't not detect any symptoms of him being sick." The nurse said while looking at me.

"Well at least your all better now yusaku." I heard (y/n) say as she placed her hand on my shoulder to comfort me just as she did my face was all red but I looked the other way so she wouldn't see but I guess the nurse saw me cause she started to smile.

"Makes sense now." The nurse had said.
"What does?" I heard (y/n) say looking at the nurse

"Oh nothing I was just thinking out loud but (y/n) can I talk to yusaku privately?" I heard the nurse say

"Sure and ill be waiting outside." I heard (y/n) say while she walked outside.

"So all this time you weren't sick at all you were lying because you didn't wanted her to find out about your feelings towards her right?" The nurse asked

"Yes I panicked." I said not making eye contact with the nurse

"Just tell her I'm pretty sure she won't get upset maybe she would even accept your feelings." The nurse said

"How do you know?" I asked
"Because she was worried for you when you told her you were getting sick that just proves she cares about you." I heard her say.
"Okay I'll tell her." I said as I left the nurse office.


"Hey yusaku is everything okay?" I heard (y/n) say
"Yeah everything fine look (y/n) theres something I need to tell you." I said while looking straight at her

"Sure go ahead." I heard her say
"(Y/n) I was never sick I lied about that I just didn't wanted you to find out until I was ready to tell you but now I'm ready to tell you." I said as (y/n) looked confused.

"Tell me what yusaku?" I heard her say
"That your the reason why I've been getting nervous whenever I'm near you but not just that when I look at you my heart starts to beat fast. Your the reason why I wake up early to come to school." I said as I hold (y/n) hand while my other hand is on her cheek.

"When I'm with you my whole world lightens up. (Y/n) I love you." I finally said while I looked straight into her eyes and to my surprise she kissed me at first I was still shocked but then I started to kiss back until we stopped for air.

"Yusaku I love you too."

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