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As I walked towards my first class, I felt warm, red substance on my cheek and my forehead. I was furious at Adam. He couldn't just do that! But once again, he did.

My blood dripped onto the cold tiles of the hallway and when I hear the fourth drip, that's when it happened.

My head started going crazy. I've had headaches before but this was a new level of pain. It hurt so bad I couldn't see and I slowly sunk down and put my head between my knees. This is what Adam had done to me. He ruined me.

As I sat in the middle of the hall, crying, classes were going on. I couldn't get another detention for being late! I got on my hands and knees, slowly moving them so I was kind of crawling. My whole body was sore and that headache was still drilling holes inside my head.

When I got to the door, I couldn't take it anymore. I was so in pain and so hurt I just couldn't move. I slowly closed my eyes, reached for the doorknob. I had to muster up all my energy to turn it.

When the door opened, all the students looked at me. The teacher's face was full of shock and the students were stunned. I guess I looked crappy. Most importantly, Adam was there, at his seat, gulping. Now you feel guilty don't you? Huh?

That's when I blacked out. There was too much for me to handle and I fell to the ground.


Classes were so boring all the time. Before I beat Andrea up, I got this weird feeling. Oh well. Speaking of Andrea, where is that slut?

Afer about 30 minutes of class time, we went into silent reading. Suddenly, the door opened. Everyone was shocked and horrified to see who opened the door.

Andrea. There was blood all over her face, her clothes that were once looking brand new were ripped and damp. She took one looka t me and I've never felt such anger in someone's eyes before.

She then fell to the ground with her eyes closed. Everyone was screaming and evacuating the classroom, meanwhile I went towards Andrea. I couldn't believe it. I had done this to her.

At the hospital.

I got a text from the EMS operator. He had told me he would text me when they arrived because I wasn't allowed to be with her. Instead, I carried her stuff to my house, so once she wakes up, I'll bring it back to her.

Once I got home, I thought about how fucked up my life was. I beat and raped a girl who used to be my only friend. When I was sad and lonely, she helped me. When I got into fights with other kids, she cleaned me up and told me everything was going to be alright. When I felt like the world was crashing down on me, she helped me. After all she did for me, I just beat her up and made her feel worthless. 

I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up and walked over to her bag. My eyes opened wide when I saw the frilly pink notebook I had given her for her seventh birthday. It was a light pink, glittery notebook. She must still use it. I opened the notebook at the first page, where I had a hand-written note for her. She kept it after all these years? Wow. The note taped onto the page was filled with little droplets of dried water, where the page sort of crinkled. They must have been her tears.

I then opened to one of the more recent entries.

Today Adam and his friends raped me. Do you know how it feels like to be raped? No? Of course not, I'm a slut. A plain cheap whore who has no reason to be alive. Sometimes I feel like no one even understands what I go through. I would love to just scream out my story to anyone who listens but of course, no one would believe me or even care. It's stupid, really how I even continue living. Maybe I would do everyone a favor if I just disappeared. If just one day I decide I can't. 

I wish my suicide would have worked. I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. My dad beating the living hell out of me, Adam killing me slowly with all the words he's said, and the entire school hating my existence. Don't worry, I'm going to commit suicide soon, I just don't know when I should. Now would be a perfect time. Anyways. G'bye.

I was shocked at the emotions she had written down with just ink and paper. Then, I was horrified to see that there were little specks of red, obviously dried blood. Did she do that to herself? Was it her dad? I couldn't bear to look at the date, but I did anyways. 


Right then, I broke down. I'm suck a fuck-up. No wonder she's in so much pain all the time. I shook my head and wiped my tears. That's when I got a call. 


"hello, is this Adam Davies? We have.. some.. news about Andrea Quiller."

My heart was beating at a super speed.


hahahhaahahahahahahahahaha CLIFFHANGER MUCH!! Omg this story's getting so many votes and reads so fast! Thank you guys so muchhhhh!!! BTW, I know I haven't updated in 8 months Lmao anyways sorry about that, I don't have an excuse but I'll be updating soon again. Maybe in a week or two? Sorry haha anyways hope you like the chapter! :D

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