Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The story I tell about Daryl and Beth is my own invention, and it is not purported, or believed, to be part of the Walking Dead story canon. It is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.

Chapter 2

The "cabin" turned out to be more like a shack. It had seen better days, but Beth didn't care. She was so hungry, and bone-weary that she would have slept in Rick's pig-pen. Daryl dragged the rotting corpse of a twice-dead man out of the shack, and they propped open the door to help clear out the smell.  

The first thing they did, after clearing the shack, was an inventory of the bug-out-bag. The only food was two cans of fruit salad, and a can of Vienna sausages. Inside a zip-lock bag were five saltine crackers and a handful of dry cereal. The best food item was a small unopened jar of peanut butter. Beth couldn't help squealing a little when Daryl drew the peanut butter out of the bag.  

There were also some handy non-food items; two bottles of water, a rolled up quilt, a book of matches, a knife and a fork, a tin mug, a small first-aid kit, a flashlight, a roll of TP, and a light wind-breaker jacket stuffed inside the bag. The last item Daryl pulled out was a knife that - when extended - was about the length of her forearm from wrist to inner elbow. "Good knife for skinning animals," Daryl noted, handing it to her, "You should trade the crowbar you been using for this."  

Beth took the knife, staring down at it. The handle was black, and the blade had a pointed spear-tip and a strange looking curve to the top of it. She weighed it in her hand. It was a little heavier than the knife she'd left back at the prison, but it would do for the purpose she knew she would have to use it for. She shut it, and stowed it in her back-pocket, giving him a nod of thanks. He nodded back.  

He picked his crossbow up off the small table where their meager belongings were spread out. "Gotta hunt. This junks only gonna get us through a day, maybe two if we're careful."  

Beth frowned. "It's almost night time." He tensed a little as she touched his arm, and she pulled her hand away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.  

"There's light left. Don' wanna waste it. Lock the door behind me." He said, stepping out from under her touch. He slung the crossbow over his shoulder, and crossed the room to the open door. He was outlined in the door frame, the last hints of daylight casting him in shadow. The sun was starting to set. The sky was dark blue but transitioning to bright pink on the horizon, where the tree-tops touched. Beth felt a twinge of anxiety in her stomach about Daryl going off to hunt when it would be dark soon. But she told herself the man had proven countless times that he could take care of himself. Beth took one last look at the wings on his back before shutting, and locking, the door behind him.  

There was a wood crate sitting next to the wood-burning stove. Inside she found tinder, kindling, and some larger pieces of wood.  

She took a bunch of small twigs out of the box and built a tepee of kindling inside the stove. Next she used dried grass, from the fire-box, and formed it into a rough nest shape. She stuck the tinder bundle under the twig tepee, and using the matches from the bug-out-bag, she lit it. She quickly started adding more twigs to the flame, until she had a strong blaze. Next, she took some of the smaller chunks of wood and put those in, gradually working up to two large pieces, which she laid on top, before she was satisfied with the fire.  

After a minute or two the smell of smoke filled the one-room shack, helping to dissipate the unpleasant odor.  

They'd stripped off the rotting mattress and covered the box-springs with pine needles. She covered the pine needles with the quilt, and sat down on the bed, smoothing out the covers beside her. The pine needles didn't provide very much padding, but at least they improved the smell. She yawned, and her eyelids drooped lazily. Refusing to fall asleep while Daryl was out hunting, she forced herself upright.  

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