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I can be so excited to watch a movie or read a book.

Actually enjoy said movie or book.

Probably ship some people.

Get emotionally invested into the characters.

Hope for the big ending where the girl finally succeeds at the one things she's been working for her whole life or the guy that pleases the person that matters most for the first time in forever.

and get sent straight off.


To me, there's nothing worse than having an amazing book/movie that ends like trash.

Like Infinity War.

Just terrible.

Please don't get my heart into the book or the movie and have us expecting some nice ending or at least a DECENT ending, just for us to be disappointed.

I know, I know.

Real life doesn't end all magically and happily ever after.


It's like killing the main character.

I have no room to judge because i can't even finish a book i still have yet to publish, maybe because i can't figure out how i want it to end. Maybe not.

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