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I love YouTube.

I love the people that put the stuff that I like to watch on YouTube.


MOST (not all) of them are liars.

I hate how, like, all the youtubers pretend to be humble when they've hit a million subs.

or how ridiculous click bait is getting.

like. seriously.

and I absolutely HATE how EVERY. SINGLE. YOUTUBER. is haunted/colorblind. like how. ALL OF A SUDDEN.

like, you've never bothered to mention your color blindness to your fans over the course of what 4 years and NOW you're magically colorblind? how.

I get it. some of them are. but not ALL of them.

it really grinds my gears.

and Jesus Christ.

why does everyone pretend to be so happy and enthusiastic all the damn time?

like robot people.

"HEEYYYY GUYS!!! HOWS IT GOING?! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH." no you don't. no you do not. you haven't even taken me on a date yet. chivalry is so dead.

I'm really going against my religion with this chapter. YouTube is my life. I can't believe I just bashed the people that give me life. wow.

eh. they'll live.

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