Betty x female reader part 2

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Your POV:
It's been awhile since me and my friend started going to Riverdale High and its been going great except at first. Everyone doesn't hate us like before, we started to make friends but our closest friends are the people we or well the people I met at pop's, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrew, and Betty Cooper oh and Cheryl Blossom. Toni started dating Cheryl which was amazing. "Hey guys" I said "Hey" they all said "so anyone up to hanging out?" I asked "sorry hanging out with Cheryl" Toni said "sorry I was gonna hang out with sweet pea" Jughead said. "I was gonna hang out with my girlfriend" Fangs said "who's your girlfriend??" I asked. A girl came up and hugs Fangs, "guys this is Midge my girlfriend" Fangs said "hi" she said "hey" we all said "well anyone else or is everyone busy?" I asked kind of annoyed. "I'm not busy we can hang out" Betty said. My heart just stopped just dropped into my stomach me and my crush hanging out by ourselves "cool come by my house around 7" I said "ok cool" she said. I looked at my best friends (Toni Sweetpea Jughead and Fangs) they all had smirks. "If y'all don't stop I'm gonna smack all of you to mars" I said

Betty's POV:
"What was I thinking ugh I can't do this I'm gonna die and it's gonna be awful I'm gonna be so awkward" I freaked out to myself as I got ready to go over there. "No I can do this maybe I'll have the confidence to tell her I like her" I said. I was so glad my mom wasn't home she would have freaked if she found out I like a serpent girl. I got ready to go over there. " I don't understand why I decided to look this nice for a hang out.....what if it's not a hang out.....WHAT IF IT'S A I don't think so" I tried to calm down and I did. I went to y/n's house. I knocked on the door and then she opened the door. "Hey" I said "hey, you look amazing" she said. I blushed and I hope she didn't notice, "come in" she said while moving out of the way. "Thanks" I said as I walked in. "I have popcorn, pizza, and a movie ready" she said. We watched the movie and ate pizza and popcorn but I decided to do something that could have ruined my life. "Y/n?" I said "yes?" She asked as she looked at me. I look at her and went for it, I kissed her and in surprised she kisses back. "What was that for?" She asked "I really like you and I have for awhile but I tried so hard to not show it because I didn't know if you liked me back" I said. "Well then you're in luck because I like you too" she said. Really!!!?" I asked excitedly "yeah" she said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked "yes" she said and we spend the night cuddling while watching movie till morning.

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