" Mom I came , where are you ? Are you in your room ?" Hayal asks.

She's trying to hide her tears .

" Mom what's wrong ? What happened? Did grandpa said something to you again ?" Her mom answered while she was crying.

" It hurts so much. I hurts so much when I see you suffering. "

" What are you talking mom ? I'm ok ."

" You're not. Do you really think that I don't hear you crying out loud all night, do you think that I don't know that you're in pain ?

You miss him so much I know. I'm sorry It's all my fault, I should've made him stay."

" It's not your fault mom , don't blame yourself. "

" I'm really a bad mom , I couldn't do nothing for you. "

" No , you're the best mom in the world. You've done everything for me.

Take some rest I'll make dinner . "

Her mom agreed and laid in bad, she was crying so hard. Hayal went in the kitchen to start cooking, she has no other choice because dinner should be ready on time , otherwise her grandfather will be so angry. While she was cutting vegetables she stopped, it's her grandfather coming in kitchen, she can hear from his angry breath. He always breathes like that.

" What are you doing ? Where is your mother ? " her grandpa asks.

" I'm cooking grandpa as you see. Why ? "

" This isn't your job " he starts yelling at me .

" Where is your mother ? Where in the hell she thinks that she can get free food. You have to work to get paid. Only thing she is doing is just laying in bed , stupid human. "

" Stop saying bad things about my mom, you have no rights . "

" And she has no rights to stay here, you're my niece but she is no one to me. If she was a good person my son wouldn't leave her. "

" What about me then ? What did I do ? What is my fault ?

I was only 10 years old when he left. Only your son is the ne who caused all this mess, only your son is the reason that me and my mom are suffering this much . "

" Suffering ? You're not even thankful for all the things that I've done for you. Just shut up and cook . "

He left.

I can't look properly to cut the vegetables , my eyes are obfuscated from tears. I wanted to scream because It hurts, it really hurts so much. It's killing me that I've to talk to him normally again and pretending like nothing happened, like he said nothing. Why god , why ? Why did I do to deserve all this pain ?

Please let me die , living in this way hurts so much . Why am I still alive when I don't feel like I'm living ?

She cried all night long.

I was afraid to wake up, because I fear to live another same day with same pain , same problems , same darkness. I feel like I don't have any energy left to get up , I just want to close my eyes and sleep forever.

" Honey , are you awake ? Hurry up and eat breakfast, you have to go in school . "

" Yeah mom , I'm coming. "

Her voice keeps me standing and I'm smiling just because of her , I don't want her to suffer more.

She was crossing the street completely lost in her thoughts. A car almost hit her. She fell on the ground. The car stopped and the driver went out from his car.

What if I stayed ?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz