Chapter 1

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I was looking forward to after school. It was my birthday and I was going with my friend Benedict to see the Jousting tournament and after the fight in the ally, I needed something to clear my mind.

Me, being a mid-class noble, with money but no more than we needed, I was able to splurge every once and a while if we had the money, and my brother decided that.

We were the only people left in our line. He usually went to school with me, but he also ran our estate and could not make it today so I walked alone. Something about meeting with the other lords.

My mother and father were both dead. My dad died in a war when I was five. For two years my world ended. He was my hero but, once I turned seven Rowan, my brother snapped me out of my grief. My dad would not want me to waste my life away. I still miss him, but I am living my life as he would have wished.

My mother was a low-class maid before she married my father. When my dad died my mom grew ill. In her depressed state, she could not contend with the illness and died. My mother was a strong woman and I strive every day to be as strong as she and my father were together.

God, sometimes my mind just wanders off.

I was waiting for Benedict in the meadow in front of the school after my last class. I wasn't waiting long when I saw him walk out the door and, after stopping to finding me, headed my way.

"Are you ready Ben?" I inquired.

Benedict, who was a quiet boy around anyone but me, despite his big build, wide shoulders, along with black hair, and green eyes, nodded and cautiously said, "I would like to bet first," Pause, "That is if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. I'll even walk with you."

"Sweet." He exclaimed immediately, his face beaming.

We walk towards the arena talking quietly so the crowd around us does not hear.

"I was jumped in the ally on my way to school this morning."

"WHAT!!!" Ben roared. Many curious people turned their head in our direction.

"Hey, keep it down. I'm not dead, obviously, so there is nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact, I showed them who's boss so..." I shrug.

"Do you know who it was? How many? Are you hurt? Phi? Talk to me." He stops me, his hands on my shoulders.

I look up, "What?"

"How many men?"

"Five. Why?"

"Do you know them?"

"No never seen them in my life."

"Are you hurt?"

"I am hurt! By your lack of faith in me. I kicked their asses."

"Okay, your fine"

"I just said that. I. Am. Fine. Just go and bet. Quickly, I want to get good seats."

"Okay. Okay. Just try and be more careful. I don't know what I would do without you. K?"

"Kay. Now let's go."

We walked over to a table. When Benedict was finished we headed over and got our seats in the front row in the middle of the Jousting lane.

Victoria and her "friends",  were all sitting in the same row further down laughing. Victoria was a sassy girl who thought that she was above all others, even the King. She wouldn't say that to the King's face, though she had many chances since she was the King's niece.

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