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Carac crept down the alleyway, careful not to make a sound, afraid to alert her of his presence. He had been following her for a week now. Watching her all her life as he had watched her father and brother.

She was of age now. Today has to be the day he had been waiting for. There was talk of a scheme to take the throne and it was her birthday. It was starting to get stuffy in this old city and too many times he had watched the family as children came of age and then pass with no Change.

He had only seen her from a distance. Always fearing to get to close, for if she saw him before she needed his help she may not be able to trust him. She may think he would hurt her and he could not have that. Not until he was ready.

Sticking to the shadows he followed her on her usual route to the Institute. She and her brother, who she was usually with, always took back roads and never used horses, but he was not here now. Carac knew this was the day to strike.

The thieves he had paid earlier this morning followed close behind. They seemed skeptical about this deal but, they were greedy, and Carac had no trouble talking them into it.

They were not to hurt her just scare her and only after I gave the signal. I had told them it would be dangerous but they only laughed and asked how harmful could a little girl be. They would be surprised. Not only have I seen her in action but I also know something about her that even she doesn't know about herself.

She takes a left turn into the longest, darkest ally. The same ally where two of the men are sitting waiting to cut her off. If I didn't get the result I was looking for I think I might retire. That was if I could.

When Seraphina gets to the middle of the ally I give the signal. The two men ahead jump out and block her path. She stops not missing one beat, one hand goes to the sword at her side resting on the hilt.


One of the thieves grinned. "Or what?"

"You will be moved." The thief steps closer and her sword is out of its sheath before anyone could blink.

The thief laughs this time. "What are you going to do with that. Wave it around."

I signal the last three thieves and they turn the corner and surrounding the girl.

"Let off the girl Trav." demands the leader. The first thief backs off. The leader looks at Seraphina. "Put away the sword, girl. Give us what we want and we will be off."

She raises her sword higher. "When hell freezes over!" She snarls "If you ask now for mercy I may give it to you."

"Put it away. I don't want to have to hurt you."

"Bring it on, you bastards!"

The leader smirks. "Admirable but, it is five to one. The odds aren't exactly in your favor."

"I say it's three to one." she lazes, seemingly relaxed, yet, somehow eager for a fight.

They all laugh.

"How do you figure?" inquires the leader

"Well once I take out the leader, which would be you, I will have to fight one or two more enthusiastic friends and the rest will run."

"We shall see." They advance. What are they doing? They are not supposed to touch her. I almost came out from where I was watching and intervened but I had seen her fight and if this was the push she needed I would have to let this play out. So I watched and waited as the fight began.

Hey, This is my first book and I would be grateful if you guys would give me some constructive criticism. Thank you so much.

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