Part two

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Thorin sat at the breakfast table when suddenly a shout was heard he looked down the table to see Obsidian. Holding a fork as if it were a weapon the room was deadly silent and somehow her soft, sickeningly sweet, voice filled the entire room.
"My mother raised me to be a lady, I know which fork to use at a formal dinner. But my mother didn't raise me to be a fool. I know exactly what artery to stick it in so you will bleed out in one minute. Don't try me." The other masters watched on warily.
"Obsidian." Zoei spoke and her voice was scary calm. "What are you doing?"
"Thorin couldn't decide which one he was more afraid of.
"I- "
"την απείλησε επειδή απέρριψε τις προκαταβολές της"
"I do not speak your mother tounge, young master." Thorin stood and approached the pair trying to decide the best way to disarm her.
"he threatened her because she rejected his advances. Called her a self-righteous idoit."
"I apologize greatly on his behalf. Please, our homes have only just become allies don't cause a war over one imbecile."
"The volume of the knowledge you do not possess makes the ocean look like an above-ground kiddie pool." She hissed spinning on her heel she returned once more to the other Masters each of whom gently spoke glancing around.
"Please return to your meals!" the King called and Thorin followed Obsidian as she ventured out of the dining hall.
"Obsidian! Wait!" He caught up and her eyes stayed focused forward.
"I apologize for my outburst. I promise I do not usually act out in such a manner."
"Obsidian. What's wrong?"
"I am fine, Thorin. Please return to breakfast."
"Not without you."
"I appear to have lost my appetite at the moment perhaps at lunch."
"Somethings wrong."
"You are not wrong."
"What is it?"
"I find myself more... Quick to react as of late."
"Reaction time should be high"
"I meant impulsiveness. Irrationality on my behalf. I was raised to be patient but I've." She trailed off glancing up. "I'm just not sure anymore. These are not virtues a master should show."
"These are virtues a young woman still learning who she is shows."
"I am a Master." She stopped looking at him. "I am the youngest master ever "
"That is a fact about you. But do you truly believe that is all you are? Just Master Obsidian?"
"It is all I've ever been taught to be." She frowned upon realizing this. "I- I guess I really am just Master Obsidian."
"Well, I don't think that. Last night you were not Master Obsidian. You were simply Obsidian Daughter of Oblivion"
She gave him a small smile.
"Thank you, Prince Thorin. I'm going to train now. Good day to you."
*A/N: I know it's short*

Obsidian daughter of Oblivion Where stories live. Discover now