(Two Identities) (5) (First Date)

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(Petra's POV)
"Hey Dakota!" Someone says. I turn around and see Jesse. "Hey Jesse! W-What are you doing here?" I stammered. "I volunteer my time to help these 7th graders with their plays." He replies. "Bro-bro? Is this the girl you literally never shut up about?" I hear someone say.

"Jess! What the heck are you doing?!" He says turning to a girl known as Jess. Jess and I slightly laughed. "I'm Jessica! Jesse's younger twin! But call me Jess!" She says while sticking her hand out. "I'm Pe- Dakota!" I say while firmly shacking her hand. She smiled and let's go.

"She seems nice! Nicer then Stella." Jess says looking at her brother. Jesse smiled and nods. "So, what do you think about the play?" He asks. "I loved it! Casting Ashlynn as Cinderella was a great idea!" I exclaim. They both smile at each other at the simple compliment I gave them.

"I gotta go! You know how 7th graders are when they are left alone." Jess says. I smile and nod. "Well, it was nice to meet you!" I say. She smiled and waved bye. Then she turned to her brother and mouthed: "I ship it!" Which earned her a playful punch in the arm.

Jesse turned to me and smiled. "Sorry about her, she just wants me to be happy when she leaves me." He says. I smile. "It's fine! She seems nice anyways!" I say. "Thanks for understanding the craziness of my sister! By the way I was meaning to ask you something.." He nervously asks.

"Go on ahead! I won't judge you!" I reply. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime." He nervously said while scratching the back of his head. "Hey, I would love too!" I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled. "How about tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon. We could go to the movies and eat something!" He says.

I nod and opened my mouth to say something but I got interrupted. "PETRA! PETRA!" Where are you?!" Stella yelled. "I have to go!" I exclaimed. "Dakota! Wait!" Jesse says but I run out of the theater. I go into the limo to see out driver, Stella, and Ashlynn.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I painted as I got in the car. "Good! We almost left you!" Stella said as she laughed at her own joke. "Yeah.. Whatever." I mumbled. We drove to the house in silences and I went up to the maid's corner of the house. "Hey Petra! How was the play?" My mom asked me.

"It was awesome!" I exclaimed. "I can tell you really enjoyed it." She said with a laugh. "I've been wanting to ask you if I could have the day off tomorrow." I asked. She smiled at me. "Sure! I've was about to ask you if I could take over so you could roam around town tomorrow." She replied. "Thanks mom!" I Said while giving her a tight hug.

(Time skip to morning)

(Jesse's POV)
I wake up and do my daily routine. Get up, Shower, Get dressed, comb, and go downstairs to eat breakfast. I see my sis sitting on a bar stool near our counter. "Hey bro!" She says. "Hey Jess." I say back.

"What are you doing today? Since it's the weekend." She asks. "Today I'm just gonna hang around the house till it's time to go." I say. "Where are you going?" She asks with a little smile. I sigh. "I'm going out with Dakota.." I say finally defeated.

"I knew it!!" She exclaimed. "Shut up!" I say. She giggles. I roll my eyes and get something to eat.

(The Beautiful Time Skip Till The Date)

(Jesse's POV)
I wait outside the movie theater for Dakota and I see her walking up to me. "Hey Jesse!" She said as she greeted me with a hug. "Hey Dakota! Shall we go in to the movie theater?" I ask. "You don't have to be so formal!" She blushed while she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I smile as we both go in.

"What movie are we going to watch?" She asks. "How about "Overboard?" I suggest. "Oh my Notch! I've been dying to see it!" She exclaims. "I agree! The trailer made it seem so good." I say as I buy the tickets. After buying the tickets we go to the concession stand. "Since you bought the tickets, I'll play for the popcorn." Dakota says. "No, I will!" I say. The debate goes on for a couple of seconds but I won the battle. "Humph!" She poured. Notch.. why is she so beautiful. I Pay for the snacks and we make our way to our door.

(One hour and Thirty Minutes later. Overboard spoilers up ahead)
(Petra's POV)
"That movie was awesome!!" I exclaimed as we left the theater. "I love how Leonardo never left Kate after he regained his memory!" Jesse says. I smile. "I hope that's how it's gonna be when I tell you that I'm a maid.." I mumble. "What was that?" He asks as we walk to his car.

"Nothing!" I reply as we get into his car. "You Wanna get something to eat or do you wanna go home?" He asks. "Let's get something to eat." I say. He nods and pulls out of the parking lot.

(Time skip to when Petra/Dakota gets back to the mansion)

(Petra's POV)
Jesse pulls up to the garage and before I get out he pulls me and gives me a kiss on the lips. I quickly melt into the kiss and pull away with an extremely red face. "Sorry 'bout that.." He says. "It's fine, I actually enjoyed it." I reply. He smiled and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Bye Jesse..." I say as I go inside the mansion.

(Writer's Note)

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