“Yes sir!  Right away!”  Ichigo growled a little as he realised they had an audience.  He tried to get off the horse, but he suddenly realised that Ikaku was one of the people watching him, throwing him off guard.

Somehow, he managed to misjudge the swing his leg took to get off the horse.  The horse, sensing that the useless rider was getting off, gave a little well-timed prance and Ichigo slid off awkwardly, along with their 2 bags, falling hard to his knees.

Byakuya had entered his company's building, so the stern Captain wasn’t there to discourage the laughter.

"Good Lord, this uncoordinated oaf wants to join the 13 Court Guard Squad?  Does he even have any spiritual energy?”  Ikaku stopped smiling and turned to a Soul Reaper Ichigo didn't know.  “Leave the kid alone.  If I remember correctly, you weren’t exactly Reaper material yourself.”  Ikaku scratched at his chin in thought.  “If I remember correctly, you got in on your 3rd attempt?”

“Hey! Whose side are you on?” 

Ichigo smirked as he turned to gather up his bags, a little bit more than pleased that Ikaku had stood up for him.  He looked up in time to see Ikaku and the others walk away talking heartedly about entrance exams.

Ichigo grabbed the bags and made his way to follow Byakuya.

Walking down a short corridor, he almost walked by the open door to Byakuya's office.

Inside, Byakuya was seated at his desk, and standing in front of it was someone he didn’t know.  “Mihane Shirogane; this is Jiro Kuchki, a distant cousin who has... an interest in joining the Soul Reapers.”

Ichigo could almost feel the disdain in those words, and even though he knew it was an act, he suddenly felt foolish and awkward in front of this stranger.  However, he set their bags down carefully and bowed in greeting.  “Good day, Mihane Shirogane.  It is an honour to meet one of the 6th Squad.”

Ichigo stood up straight after he saw the bow returned.  Shirogane now had his back turned to his Captain and he offered Ichigo a smile as he spoke.  “Welcome, Jiro Kuchki.  I hope your time here will result in another member of the noble Kuchki House becoming a Soul Reaper.”

Shirogane turned back to his Captain.  “If that’s all, sir, I will go and attend to my duties.”  He bowed to his Captain and as he left he offered Ichigo an encouraging smile.  The door closed quietly behind him.

Ichigo came up to the desk.  He could feel all those thoughts running riot in the back of his mind, but now was certainly not the time.  “I think you might actually be enjoying this a little, Byakuya.”

“A little, I must confess.  More so that I am getting to be in your company.  If not for the circumstances of this situation, this would be an altogether more enjoyable experience.”

A smile came to Ichigo's face, and he wondered at how easy it was to be in this man's company.  He felt his stomach swirl and his face flush as the sudden thought came unbidden in his mind of the two of them kissing.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself.    “Those depths of yours are pretty well hidden, but they're there all the same.”  He turned his head to the door as he felt a spiritual pressure he recognised approach.

Byakuya smiled at Ichigo.  “I suspected it to take longer for her to get to you.”

  “Really?  I thought she was actually a little behind.”  He moved to one side as she knocked on the door.  She entered as Byakuya was in the middle of telling her to come in.

“Hello Captain Kuchki.” Rangiku poked her head round the door.  “Hi there.  You must be Jiro!”  She strode in to the room and Ichigo forced his eyes up to her face.  He could never figure out how she managed to keep from exposing herself.  She was too smart not to have noticed and arched an eyebrow that made Ichigo blush.
He bent his head low in greeting. 

“Jiro,” Byakuya spoke and Ichigo didn’t have to turn to know that he was reverting to type.  “May I introduce Assistant Captain Rangiku Matsumoto of 10th Squad.”

“Jiro!” Ichigo stumbled back a little, bumping in to the desk behind him.  He heard a quiet,’harump' that he guessed Rangiku was meant to hear, but ignored.  “Oh, Captain Kuchki.  I was hoping you would let me take Jiro on a little tour of the Seireitei.  Introduce him to a few people.”  She pouted at him and Ichigo turned to look at Byakuya too, trying to get him to realise that he wanted to go. “Show him around the place.”

“Very well.  It will keep him out of my way for a couple of hours while I catch up on the reports.  Go Jiro and make sure to show the proper respect to those you meet.”

Ichigo turned his back to Rangiku and winked at Byakuya before bowing.  “Yes, Lord Byakuya.  I will show the up most respect to your colleagues.  Thank you, Lord Byakuya.”

She kept having the same dream.

The ground beneath her slowly became sticky and before long she was having trouble walking.  She would fall to her knees only to feel the ground slowly climb up over her limbs.  She would watch in horror as she started to sink in to the ground and despite her cries, no one came to help.  She sank slowly but surely in to the ground, screaming all the time for someone to help her, as the dirt would finally claim her face and then there was nothing until the dream repeated itself. 

“How is she?”

“Heart rate rose but then dropped again.  Same as always.”

“Why won’t you wake up, Orihime?”

“Run those tests and get back to me asap.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Are you going back to the hospital tonight, Rukia?”

Renji was sat at the kitchen table, more than happy they weren't staying with Urahara.   Renji was very happy to be able to shut those two little brats up by saying they wouldn’t be staying there.  Urahara was ok, but those two kids annoyed the hell out of him.

Rukia was sitting opposite him, and unable to help herself, she gave a shudder.  “I should.”  She lifted her head from her meal and Renji could see how close to tears she was.  “I feel so disloyal.  The hospital is the last place I want to go to, Renji.”
He reached out and took her hand.  “I can come with you this time.”  He noticed her looking at his hand in hers and tried to move it, but she held on tight.

“I’d rather fight a Hollow, if I’m being honest.  And I feel ashamed that I feel that way.”  Rukia still had her head bowed, her eyes never leaving his hand.

“You know he’s ok though.  Back in the Soul Society, right?”

A nod of her head.  “I know.  But Renji.  It’s so hard to see him lying there.  So weak and helpless.”  She looked up this time, her eyes bright with tears.

The Long Way HomeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ