Drunken Love {Chapter 22}

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Drunken Love ~ Chapter 22

Ariel's POV

"Jacob! Hold on!" I ran to him as he stormed away from me. I know he's  mad and I should just give him his space, but I just wanted him to hear me out.

He payed no attention to me and kept walking, pretending that I wasn't even calling his name. As I got closer, I clasped my fingers on his hand. "What?" He jerks, turning to me.

"Jacob, there is nothing going on between Zayn and I. We're just friends." I try to assure him, although he doesn't seem to believe me. Maybe it's because I don't even believe myself. You made out with him, Ariel.

Shut up, Ariel.

"Look, I'm not accussing you of anything." He pulls his arm back to his side.

"Then why are you mad at me?" I ask. I know he doesn't like Zayn, but he doesn't have to get mad just because we're friends.

Friends? Are we just friends?

Why am I asking such stupid questions?

Ofcourse we're just friends.

"Ariel, I don't trust him." He says, sternly. He didn't answer my question.

"You don't trust him or you don't trust me?" I ask, raising my voice.

Well, you can't blame him. You cheated on him.

"Ariel, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that." He holds me by arms and pulls me closer to him.

"No, but you meant it." I could feel tears start to blur my vision. I'm so emotional today.

He sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I'm done with this conversation, Ariel." He starts walking away.

I stared at him as he got further and further away from me, until he was finally gone.

I didn't want to go back the hotel. I didn't want to see Jacob. I didn't want to see Zayn. I didn't want to see Kate's face when I tell her that I cheated. I could almost hear he calling me a hipicrit.

I started walking in the direction oppsite to the hotel. The streets were now quiet and empty. I could hear myself breathe. I could hear the noise of my shoes hitting against the pavement. I could feel the warm tears start to stream down my face.

I kept on going, walking wherever my feet would take me.

Tonight's going to be a long night...


As I strolled around Paris, I think an hour has gone by. I've came across a club. There were so many here in Paris.

The man standing at the front door, holding on to the red rope instantly unclasped it, letting me in. But not before sending me a wink. Pig.

The music was blaring through speakers. I couldn't hear myself think. Perfect.

It's time to get things off my mind.


Well, I'm drunk. Really drunk. And I don't know my way back home. Should I go left or right? Well, when you don't know the right way, go left.

And so I did.

I was walking for about an hour and still no sign of the hotel. I wasn't familiar with anything. I'm completely lost.

I hate being drunk.

I take out my phone.

34 missed calls.

Coincidence - {Zayn Malik Fan Fiction Book 2, Cliché Series}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें