Chapter four||breakfast beginings

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"Y/n..yyyy/n..." you wake up slowly to a soft whisper, Amy's laying on her side on your bed, her face inches away as she sweetly wakes you, she sits up the look on her face similar to that of a child on Christmas morning. "Let's go get breakfast, I heard they have a little diner down the road with super rad pancakes and it's totally retro!!" You get up "Hell yeaaaaa let me get dressed and we can check out!" You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom to change." You go and check out will Amy gets the car, as you check out a guy walks past you and spanks your butt " hEY! What the hell do you think your doing?!" You jump around to face the man and he laughs "calm down doll face you got a nice ass I just had to" he bites his lip and goes to do it again, but a book hits his head which makes you chuckle" HEY hands off my girlfriend" Amy says and walks up to you and kisses you passionately to prove her point, you begin to blush profusely. "Ohhh your gay, fuck you." The guy the walks away to his car where you see his girlfriend...what an asshole! But also Amy totally just called you her girlfriend and kissed you.. woah.. "Uhm thanks for that." "No problem, cute girls shouldn't have to deal with asshole guys like that plus was a good excuse to kiss you tbh." You blush a little more than before. You build up your courage and kiss her again but since your a bit shorter you have to reach up so it looks goofy but she goes with it. You go and get in the car and drive down to the diner, it really does look retro like something straight out of the 50's, it's magnificent. You go in and the waitress tell you sit wherever so you pop a squat in the booth towards the jukebox and by a window. The waitress comes and takes your order, " so what can I get you two gals to drink, coffee? Chocolate milk?" "I'll have a coffee" Amy says politely, " same for me please." You add, "coming right up" the waitress does a little finger gun wink and walks away. "So.." you say "So." Amy replies, quickly two coffees are set on the table in front of each of you, " Now, have we decided on food?" "I believe so, I'll have the pancakes and bacon with eggs (preference of egg type here)" "sounds good and for you?" She writes down your order in chicken scratch and looks up at Amy pen ready to go "same once again please" Amy says with a smile, the women gots down a 2 next to that. "Coming right up girlies." She smiles and walks off to the kitchen spouting orders. "Do you like me?" Amy asks quickly but a little nervously and blushing slightly, you hesitate to respond due to shock, " what do you mean?" She smiles a little less nervous "you know what I mean." "If you aren't like that it's fine just I really do like you and when we kissed earlier it was really nice and I honestly would love to have a relationship with you but if not it is perfectly ok I understand." "Amy. Calm down-" you put your hand on hers across the table" I like you, and I would love to date you." She smiles and so do you and she moves her hand on top of yours and squeezes it gently. "Awesome" you stare in each others eyes for a moment still hand in hand, "awwww it's nice to see such great friendship these days" the waitress brings the food and sets it down, " You two enjoy!" You and Amy giggle a bit and then dig in to the food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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