Chapter 2: First Case

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Once we arrived at the crime scene, I parked my car on the side and exited the car. I stood in front of the entrance to the house. Connor followed me moments later.

"You're finally here.," Gavin greeted with a smile, "and I see that the android with you." "Gavin, he has a name. His name is Connor," I argued. Gavin looked away and said, "I knew that." Connor stood next to me. "Detective Reed, if you have a problem with me please inform me. I will find a solution. I do not wish to be the reason for an unsuccessful investigation." He scoffed, "(Y/N), I'll meet you inside." I watched him walk into the house. "Ok.,"I said.

I reassuringly laid my hand on top of Connor's shoulder. "I'm sorry about Gavin. Maybe we should give him some time to get used to having you as my partner.," I apologized. Connor looked into my eyes and said, "It's not your fault, (Y/N). You don't need to apologize for Detective Reed's actions. He is probably against having androids. I wonder why though." I smiled, "I'm glad you try to understand him rather than resent him." He smiled back. "I think it's time that we follow him inside.," I stated. Connor nodded.

We walked inside the house. The living room was messy. The two couches were knocked over and the glass table was crack. The mat was ripped along with the couches. Connor and I walked over to the dining room. We were careful not to mess up the room even more. Once we arrived in the dining room, we saw that the dining table was split into two.

Connor walked up to a trail of blue blood. He bent down to take a sample of it and licked it. "This is the blood of the MP500 android we're looking for. Judging from the trail, it escaped through the back door.," he explained. "Just wondering, what does that taste like?," I asked. "Well, I don't really taste the blood per se. I only analyze it.," he responded. I nodded and started to investigate the rest of the perimeter while Connor followed the trail of blue blood. I noticed that there was a corpse a few feet near the door. I walked up to it. A female in her mid 20s with one stab wound to the stomach and a slit to her throat. I sighed at the sight. I noticed that she was holding her bloodstained phone. I assumed that she was going to call for help.

Once I finished examining the scene, I walked to the kitchen. Gavin was already there. "I see you left tin can.," Gavin noted. I glanced at him. "I didn't leave him. He wanted to follow the trail of blue blood that's all." He put his hands in his pockets. "Oh so it left you." I walked to the knife set on the counter and explained, "More like, we separated to cover more ground. Did you notice that one of the knives are missing?" "I wouldn't leave you.," he whispered to himself while walking to me. "Huh? What did you say?," I asked. "Nothing nothing. Yeah, you're right one of the knives are missed." "The android used the knife to kill the victim.," I thought out loud, "And the knife is missing. So, the android may still be armed." "Good observation, (Y/N).," he complimented.

Connor walked inside the kitchen. "Detective (L/N), Detective Reed, I may know where the deviant is hiding.," he stated. Gavin scoffed, "How." "I followed the trail of blue blood and noticed it ended at a shed in the back of the house. Also, the handles of the shed had blood on it.," Connor explained. "Good job, Connor. Could you lead us there?," I asked. He nodded. The three of us walked outside.

Gavin and I took out our guns as I approach the door. However, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. "Detective, I believe it's a better idea if I am the one to open the door. Anything can happen and it's not good for you to get hurt. It is easy for me to be fixed.," Connor explained with concern. "For once, I agree with metal boy here.," Gavin agreed.

I nodded and took a step back. Connor walked up to the door and quickly opened it. "Come out deviant! We know you're in here!," he shouted. Gavin and I took out our flashlights to search for the deviant. Both Connor and Gavin walked inside the shed. I was the last to go inside. I noticed something shaking in the corner. I shined the light from my flashlight on it. "Don't move!," I shouted. Gavin and Connor looked at the object which I yelled at. Gavin and I pointed our guns at the android. The android, still shaking, dropped the bloody knife and put its hands in the arm. "Please don't hurt me... I just wanted it to stop.," it begged. Connor walked up to it and placed handcuffs on its wrists. "You're under arrest." Gavin and I lower our guns.

All of us walked out of the shed and to the front of the house. Gavin spoke to the person in charge of forensics. Then, he walked back to me and said, "Forensics will give us the file  for the case later tonight. We'll go down to the station first to question the android." I nodded. Connor cleared a path for all of us to escort the deviant to the police car. The deviant entered the car. The car drove to the police station. "We'll meet you back at the station.," I said while walking to my car. "Alright. Stay safe."

Connor and I entered my car. "Good job today.," I smiled at him. He smiled back. "You did great too." I turned my head to face the road and turned on the engine. Then, I drove back to the station.

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