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"you are not. i'm not letting you."

"you can't stop me, i already said yes."

"i will lock you in my room if i have too. he isn't good for you. you're just in denial."

"he and I love each other and you can't be the judge of that."

"how can i let you marry a guy who doesn't give a crap about you? how can i trust him to love you with all his heart and prevent you from dying?"


"i made a deal with myself that i wouldn't do anything that would harm you and i just can't let you marry him."

"i love him! we already been together since high school. i know him and deep down, he is a good guy. but you're just denial as well."

"you're saying that i'm in denial? hear yourself umji! you're just afraid of hurting him so you agreed. you know that you don't want to."

"maybe if you weren't so selfish, you would be happy for me!"

yoongi would not let her marry and he would do everything to prevent it from happening.

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