Chapter One: Introduction

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My name is (Y/n) Universe. I live in a world where superpowers, also known as quirks, are apart of everyday society.

The first person to manifest a quirk was a newborn baby that had the ability to emanate light. After that, quirks began to start appearing left and right until the majority of civilization had their own unique abilities.

Quirks had then been divided into three different classes,  most commonly known as Transformation, Emitter, and Mutant.
My quirk Crystalize is an emitter. Crystalize has given me the ability to make crystals at my own free will. I can also shape them into objects or weapons.

I would say my other quirk Fusion would be Mutant due to me being able to change me and another's appearance into something entirely new.

I was told that my quirks were inherited from my mom. My father was born quirkless, being quirkless unfortunately doesn't let you have certain jobs, but he ended up buying car wash which he has grown to love dearly.

Rose Quartz used to be one of the top three heroes. I have always looked up to her even though I've never gotten the chance to meet her.

My family, also known as the hero group The Crystal Gems, always spoke so highly of her.

I was told she would always put others before herself. She'd even show compassion and sympathy towards villains after she would defeat them. She would have this almost magical way of making villains turn good. She was definition of beauty and grace. Everything that I aspire to be one day.

As I mentioned, my family are the famous Crystal Gems. They've cared for me ever since my moms disappearance after I was born. They're appearances aren't human like, but if you were to go deeper into the city you would see that every other normal citizen will either have an animal or a cactus for a head, so they're basically normal to me.

The Gems all have similar quirks to one another. They can summon weapons from their gems, shape shift, and fuse with one another and many many many more amazing things.

I've lived with them for years, they've taught me everything I know. From teaching me to fight to helping me learn how to make quick decisions in the midst of a battle.

They never told me how to make friends though. I've been homeschooled for the most of my life, and it really shows. I'm a bit of an awkward person when it comes to socializing with fellow humans. I always thought I would be alone, but then I met my childhood friend Connie.

We had became inseparable since we met. I remember playing with each other in my loft. We would play with our All Might and Eraser Head action figures, I would always choose Eraser Head while Connie chose All Might. We would then play pretend to be Pro Heroes, taking turns being the hero and the person in distress.

Then one day, Connie's parents got a call about a parasite break out in America that needed to be contained immediately. They ended up having to move there, and I haven't seen her since.

As sad as it was for me I didn't let it hold me down and I continued on with my daily life. We did try to keep in contact with each other, every once in a while FaceTiming one another, but we eventually stopped.

But let's stop there, I'm sure you want to get straight onto the story without having to hear about all the boring background details.

This is the story of my life and how I unraveled the mysteries of my mother, found amazing friends, saved the galaxy, become a Pro Hero, and how I met the love of my life!

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