A/N - If you don't know what Trichotillomania is

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All trichotillomania cases are different, this is just one case/story.

Trichotillomania (trich, for short) is a compolsive disorder, which causes the person to pull at their hair. This person may or may not realise they are actually doing it until 1) someone points it out or 2) They notice the hair, or lack of.

The person cannot force themselves to pull thier own hair out.

The person cannot 'just stop'.

People have been known to pull at ANY place of their body with hair, however some only pull from one place, although is equally common to pull from more than one area. Most common places include head hair, and eyelashes/eyebrows.

Women are four time more likely to be pullers, than men (approx statistics = 93%female 7%male)

There are different theories as to how many people it actually affects, some believe one in 5 people, there are others who say only 4% of the entire population (either way IS alot)

With 87% Caucasian,  4% Hispanic, and 2% African American.

Lecturing and demanding your child to stop can create a negative mood & cause a person to pull MORE, reducing a child's motivations to beat the problem and producing a sense of hoplessness that they'll never be able to please you.

There are no known cures that will cure one for life, however the younger you get trich - the more likely you are to stop. This is not necessarily true, as some people as young as three have had it till they were 80+ however it is this way in some cases.

Everyone is beautiful and having Trichotillomania only makes you, more you, it does not, under any circumstances, make you any less of a person. Do not let others around you call you ugly, imperfect or different. Bald, or not bald, your you. Be proud for your probably the only person you'll know with Trich, and if you meet someone else like you, be honoured.

If you do not have Trich - I hope this makes you understand a little more.

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