The Lord of the Flies Answers

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Hello it's me
Verusvia the tree

1. Favorite food
2. Favorite sweet
3. What you think about a random Wattpad cliche (bad boy x nerd, bully x victim)
*insert wizard swears*
4. Favorite animal
I am an animal what do you mean
5. Least favorite thing
Something that I like the least
6. One thing you're afraid of

7. Why you're reading Horses Are Coolio
Because Horses are indeed Coolio
8. Why you commented in the comment strand
I think I started it? So it was the original comment, then a person had replied "boris the horis" and the original comment person says to stop and then I reply "Boris the horis" as a joke and then the thread gets revived and it goes on and then I say "Becky the pecky" and then we say random names like snape the grape or bob the snob and then someone else joins and then yeah.
Thus, the comment thread was born.
9. Why you continue to comment in the comment strand
because im a part of the potato family
10. What are your thoughts on Bob?
11. Your favorite boy name
Motato because its potato mom's potato's name
12. Your favorite girl name
Motato (its gender neutral)
13. Place you want to go one day
I don't know. I'd like to go everywhere, honestly! Travel the world..
14. Your dream job
Something that leaves me with a legacy and leaves an imprint on the world. Something fulfilling and something that gives back to the world that provided for me.
You see, the SAT isn't that hard if you study! A lot, I mean. Well, I have five more years to study so I think I'll be fine. And the writing section is a piece of cake. If I get a perfect score, I'll get into an Ivy League and then-
15. How are you doing?

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