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You exit the empty Joja subway station, a tired man waits at the metal detector in a glass box, on his small desk is a picture of a grown woman with long fading purple hair who has graduated. There is also a name tag you notice on his Joja uniform that looks very worn. It reads the name: 'Pierre'.

"Good morning Pierre," You say politely to the man who hasn't noticed you yet,
"Ah! Welcome, it's not often we have new arrivals in Pelican town, go on through the metal detector sir," Pierre says, you obey him and walk through the detector,
"Up the second stairs if you follow the path you'll find you're new home sir," Pierre said politely pointing to a set of stairs.

All along the walls are signs advertising Joja, 'Join us. Thrive!" They say, you already know what they have done though, the amount of rural landscapes that have been destroyed for their purposes.
When ascending the stairs the bright sunlight shines in your eyes, luckily you brought a pair of shades and you carefully place them over your eyes.

A cobble path leads to the town centre, when you reach it you can see a large clinic that seems to be brimming with work. A rundown wooden building is bordered off next to the clinic, a sign is laying in the pile of debris that reads "Pierre's General Store," you remember the man from before, could this have been where his store used to be?

You don't think too much of it and wander to a modern looking pub, there is an outside seating area and two women sit chatting at one of the tables. You approach them and say hi.

"Oh! You must be Y/N, welcome to Stardew Valley, my name's Jas, nice to meet you." Said the younger of the two, she looks about 18.
"I'm Emily," said the older woman with a blue dyed hair,
"Thank you Jas and Emily, have a great day!" You say to them and wander around the housing area.

You come across a young man sat outdoors on a summer chair sipping some orange juice, a football by his feet.
"Hey, its Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm Alex, we'll be sharing a house! Sounds cool right?" Alex says enthusiastically,
"Sure thing Alex, would you mind showing me where to put my things," You ask the young man.

Alex leads you inside,
"This used to be my grandparents house. I used to live here as a child, they passed away a few years ago unfortunately, but hey! Now I've got someone new to chill with!" Alex says and enters an empty room save a bed and a small desk.
"Well... you like it?" Asks Alex, you nod, imaging all the ways you could decorate your brand new room.
"I can't wait to decorate it!" You tell Alex.

"If you need anything I'll be outside," Alex said and left you in your new room all alone.

Later that day after settling into your new room you decide to take a walk through town and maybe find some people to talk to. You follow the dirt path from your house past a fenced of little section of grass, inside is a small box that has the writing 'dog' on top. You assume it's somebodies dog in their cage. Leading away from the pub is a small caravan, you gently knock on the door.
A raspy voice calls out "Who is it?" You try to peer through the window but it's blacked out.
"I'm Y/N, a new arrival." After a few awkward seconds waiting the door of the caravan slid open. The face of a woman with curly blonde hair with bits of greying appeared. She was short and wore an overused purple top.

"Hey kid, the name's Pam. Nice to meet you." Said the woman stood in the doorway.
"Hi there. I was just wondering where I could find the mayor?" You ask the woman.
"Ah. He's in the house just there," she points to a large building with a blue truck parked beside it.
"Thanks a bunch!" You say and head towards the mayors house.

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