Once outside, I didn't know where to go. Before I could make up my mind, I heard the door going open again so I quickly walked to the football field of school. There was no one, a bench to sit on and it was dark, out of sight. Perfect for the time being. Looking around, feeling more alone than I had ever felt, I wanted to cry. A tear fell down my cheek. This wasn't me, I wasn't the type that cried for nothing. I wiped it away and manned up. I wasn't going to drown in self pitty, I was just going to take a little rest from the dance, get my thoughts straight and go back in. That was the plan. Until a wolf disturbed it and I couldn't remember what I had been thinking about.
''Jake? '' I slowly asked. ''What are you doing here?''
''I saw you going outside and followed. Not in the creepy stalky way , of course.'' Jake smiled and I noticed how white and perfect his teeth were. Like in my dream, only were they sharper then. And painful. I had to cope with the fact that that monster also existed in real life. I needed to stop seeing only the good and starting accepting the bad. But it was so hard.
Jake sat down beside me, legs apart and hands in his pockets like only boys could.
''What were you thinking about?'' He asked. His foot was making little circles in the sand.
I was thinking about how much I wanted to touch him, how I wanted to take off to a southern island with him, how I wanted all of him. But under no circumstances was I going to be that honest.
''You.'' I said. Not a lie.
''Me?'' He looked surprised and almost proud.
I nodded and couldn't help but laugh softly at his reaction.
''You must've been thinking I look damn good in a tuxedo, am I wright?'' He smiled and waved his hands up and down to show his tuxedo.
''Yeah, you got me.'' I sarcastically answered his gestures. Even though I had thought it.
''I was thinking about how you would look in wolf form.'' Again, not a lie.
Jake suddenly tensed and stood up.
''What's the matter?'' I asked confused.
''Go away. '' He said. At first, I thought he was talking to me but another figure appeared.
''I see you're doing good work.'' The stranger said. I couldn't see him well. The lights were on me and Jake which made everything else so dark I could only see shapes.
I looked back at Jake, hoping for an explanation but he didn't meet my eyes. He kept on staring at the boy. I stood up. I knew when I was unwanted.
''Don't go away, I mean, not that you have a choice.'' The boy grinned and the longer I had to listen to him, the longer I hated him.
''What do you mean I don't have a choice?'' I almost spit the words out but I tried to calm down a little.
He raised an eyebrow.
''So you haven't told her. '' The guy raised his shoulders and took a couple of steps.
''Guess I have the honor, don't I?'' He laughed and it was the most annoying laugh I had ever heard.
I looked at Jake, who's back was turned to me. His hands were clenched to fists.
''Elena, we're leaving. '' Jake turned around and took my hand, leading me to the parking lot. I let him because I didn't know what else to do.
''Jake, what is going on? What do you need to tell me?"
He ignored me and started the car. After setting the car in reverse, I was pushed forwards and I heard we had hit something hard behind us. Jake cursed and tried to drive backwards again. I didn't get what he was doing, what if it was a person behind us? He needed to drive forwards!
A sudden cold wind blew past me. I looked to the side and the door of the car was gone, my brother had replaced it. Damon actually smiled before pulling me out and throwing me in the bushes behind him. I was wondering whether he had known they were there or that it was good luck.
''Damon!'' I yelled.
''Stay there, sis. '' He gave me only a tenth of his attention before turning it to the driver, Jake. Damon climbed in , pulled Jake out and threw him on the ground. Jake coughed and tried to stand up. Damon didn't let him, he pulled him up by his throat with his feet from the ground. Jake couldn't breathe anymore. To my right, I saw Elijah, holding his foot on the other guy to keep him on the ground.
''Damon, let him go. He's not-'' I started but was cut off by Damon.
''Yeah, he is. He is one of the so called bad guys, Elena. ''
A bad feeling came over me. He knew Jake. But how?
I looked around, only to see that the number of people had doubled, if not, tripled. And by the look of their eyes, they were all wolves. I recognized Conchobar from the bon fire. He looked even more scarier now than before. What were they all doing here?
''Shit.'' Elijah said. He grimaced and let go of the annoying boy. So did Damon with Jake.
''Take her, we're leaving. '' Elijah commanded Damon. I was dumbstruck. I gave Jake one last look before my vision turned into a blur. Fifteen seconds later, I was home. Apparently, Rebekah and Michael had followed us because they too came home. Rebekah's motherly instinct took over and she cuddled me to death, asking me whether I was okay.
I pushed her off and looked her in the eyes.
''I was, before Damon and Elijah came.'' Wherafter I shifted my gaze to them and crossed my arms.
''What was that all about?'' I asked them.
''That? '' Damon said, and bended over the couch.
''What have you done?'' He slapped Alaric in the face but he didn't wake up.
I groaned. I had completely forgotten I was supposed to be home, with Alaric.
''He'll wake up in a couple of hours, don't worry. ''
Damon didn't respond, he lifted alaric's arm, let it go where after it fell on the couch. Alaric was lifeless for the moment, the herbs with Willow's spell had worked. Or drugs. You could call it drugs too.
''Never thought you would go all badass.'' Klaus said, coming in. I turned around and saw blood on his lips. I frowned.
''You did not drink from someone at the ball, tell me you didn't.'' I said, not even feeling guilty I hadn't listened to Elijah. It even felt like I was the one who deserved an explanation. I really wanted one.
''What was that all about?'' I asked them. ''How do you know Jake, Damon? ''
He looked back at me.
''How do you know him?''
Rebekah gasped loudly and clapped her hands together.
''Of course! He was the boy in the garden. Oh my god, I should've known you wouldn't leave it at that.''
Everything became even more weirder.
''Start from the beginning please, I'm completely lost.'' And before Elijah could say I needn't to know a thing, I pointed at him and said: '' And I want to know everything. From the day we moved here till now.''

Rebekah sat down, so did Michael. Elijah sighed.
''you sure you want to know everything? Even though you know it's probably...not fun to hear. '' Elijah sat down before continuing.
''Some things are better kept a secret because once you know it, you can never go back. ''
I nodded firmly and to be sure I heard everything, I sat down next to him.
''Tell me all. I'm ready for it.''
''Wait,'' Damon said, standing up. He concentrated and looked at Elijah.
''Where's Stefan?'' It got quiet in the room.

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