Chapter 10

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The party had started an hour ago but I didn't feel like partying all of the sudden. Something was missing, I didn't know what but it felt like something wasn't right. I sighed and stopped dancing. I sat down at a spot on the grass next to the pool where no drinks were spilled or nobody had thrown up. Leaning back, I had a great view over everyone outside and I started to guess the names with the faces. I recognized maybe ten of all the people who were here, which was at least sixty. A group of guys was watching me but I ignored them, I sat here alone for a reason. But apparently, one of them didn't get it and walked over with two drinks. I smiled. It was actually flattering if a guy came talking to you. I felt better, while just a second ago, I didn't want to be bothered at all.

''Hi, can I sit next to you? There are drinks spilled everywhere except here.''
''Sure. Is that the only reason you wanted to sit here? '' I looked at the two drinks he was still holding.
The guy got a shy look and offered me one. I thanked him but before I was able to drink, Stefan showed up and took it out of my hand.
''What are you doing?'' Me and the boy both asked.
Stefan shrugged and drunk it up. He raised an eyebrow and looked from me to the guy where after he left without saying a word.
I sighed.
''That was weird.'' He made little circles around his temple with his finger.
''That was my brother.'' I looked down, a little ashamed.
''That makes it even weirder. '' He smiled. ''I'm Josh. ''
''I'm Elena. Sorry about your drink.''
''It was beer but it wasn't cold anymore so no hard feelings.'' Josh winked.
I laughed, it felt nice to feel like a normal teenager, to go out and talk to different boys. Josh was cute, he had the looks of a surfer. His dark blond hair was styled with gel and he had amazing cheekbones, I had never seen a guy with those cheekbones that had a head which didn't look like a square box. The trunks he wore with no shirt, made the image complete. I couldn't help but glance every once in a while at his muscular chest. He was sitting practically naked next to me.
''Too bad I didn't get to taste it, even though Stefan probably enjoyed it.''
''Stefan? The brother?'' He asked. I confirmed with a nod.
''You came with him?''
I shook my head.
''I'm old enough to have my own friends. '' I smiled. A cold breeze made my hair fly in front of my face and I put it back in its place.
''So, you know Tyler?''
Josh nodded and had nothing but good things to say about the football player. I was glad because there were people who talked about Tyler as if he was a not very monogamous guy. And I wished Caroline all the best.
In the middle of his explanation about why boys hated reading, Josh looked up and greeted someone.
''Hi Jake!'' I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. My heart started pounding and a rush of guilt ran over me. Guilt? What had I done to feel guilty about? I immediately jumped up but didn't know why. God, I hated all this confusion. There was definitely something wrong with me.
''Hi, Josh. Bothering girls, like usual?'' Jake looked at me.
''He isn't giving you trouble, is he?''
I shook my head.
Josh looked from Jake to me and back. And then sighed.
''Of course you know her. Can't you leave one girl on this planet for me? '' He kicked a can and walked back to his friends. I frowned.
''What was that about?'' I asked.
''I don't know. Josh is a good friend but ninety percent of the time, I don't understand what he means. ''
I laughed.
''Josh is a nice guy,'' I told him and looked around to see Caroline, so I could introduce the two of them. She was nowhere to be seen, nor were Willow and Jenna. When I spotted Stefan, lying on the ground, probably high even though I thought it was impossible as a vampire to get high, I was glad I needn't worry about any vampires.
''Are you alone?'' Jake asked, looking at me.
''No, I'm here with Willow, the girl who helped me escape school, Jenna, Caroline and Bonnie.''
''Where are they?''
I almost hadn't heard him because the music was turned louder and it was impossible to talk without screaming. Jake said something else but I couldn't hear him and when I gave up trying to understand him, he took out his phone, typed something and pointed at my phone in my pocket. I took it out and read I had a new message. It was Jake. I looked up at him and frowned. He gestured to read it, so I did.

The Number Of SixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora