Chapter 11

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Expecting it was Damon or Elijah, I didn't struggle but when I looked in the eyes of a stranger, I panicked. I screamed and tried to get loose from his grip. If his hands had felt cold, I would've guessed a vampire. But they weren't. He was too strong, I soon gave up the struggle and let him win. The guy, or man, he looked about forty years old, threw me over his shoulder and started walking. I thought he was insane. Jake, who apparently had been sleeping next to me, had woken up and sat up immediately. I couldn't help but think that the messy look looked cute on him. He looked at the ripped tent, at me and then back at the tent. The man speeded up a little and repositioned me on his shoulder by throwing me in the air , it wasn't that high but his shoulder was a hard stump in my stomach. I gestured to Jake to do something and he finally got out of his haze.
''Conchobar!'' Jake stood up and ran to us. Conchobar didn't stop when his name was called. He kept a steady pace.
''Put me down, '' I said, ''Please.'' His shoulders went up a little and I couldn't help but think he laughed at me.
''Jake.'' I said, pointing to the man's back. Jake lifted his hands in the air and gestured he was helpless. I sighed.
Since I was dragged out of a tent in the middle of nowhere and kidnapped, I hadn't paid any attention to my surroundings. There were more tents , definitely more than a dozen. I wondered whether the people lived here or were just camping. I saw a couple of family's but also younger couples. A few of the younger people from the campfire were looking at us with a confused look. A wave of shame came over me, I was hanging over someone's shoulder and there was no one who hadn't noticed. Finally, Jake thought of something but when he ran away, my hope was gone. Great friend, Jake.
''Conchobar, what are you doing?'' A woman asked. I couldn't see her because my butt was turned to her face and I suddenly wished Conchobar had held me the other way around.
She sighed.
''Put her down.''
''No. She needs to leave.'' So Conchobar did have a voice, it was very low and deep. Almost like he growled.
''She can leave herself and wouldn't have minded if you asked her.'' I told him. Talking about being assertive.
''Why does she need to leave?'' The woman matter of factly asked. I couldn't believe they were talking about me as if I wasn't there. I also felt kind of unwanted.
''I'd like to know that as well.'' A male voice said. So there were at least two people talking to my butt now. Conchobar finally put me down. The woman who had spoken first was beautiful. Not the model-kind of way, she was just pretty in her own way. I looked up to see the face of my carrier, it was exactly as I had imagined. Big eyebrows, strong cheekbones and a hooked nose.
The woman smiled apologetically but the man ignored me.
''Would you like to eat something?'' She gestured to follow her. I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to get away from all the staring eyes and Conchobar. So I nodded and went after her. Jake caught up with us and I wondered where he'd been. After walking less than a minute, we came to a little wooden cabin , surrounded by green and trees.
''Jake, honey, '' The woman said, ''Can you let Elisa get some eggs please?''
''I don't think asking Elisa is a good idea, I'll get them myself.'' Jake answered, looked at me and went back outside.
''Excuse me, but can you tell me what time it is?'' I looked around to see a clock hanging somewhere on the wall but there was none.
''Time gives people too much pressure.''
''Yeah, well, it's more that my brothers give me pressure and if I don't get home on time, they'll get mad.''
The woman frowned.
''Aren't you already too late?''
I suddenly remembered I had my cell still in my pocket and took it out. It was 7.18. How on earth would I make up an excuse for staying away all night? Unless, they hadn't noticed me being gone for so long. I had five new messages. One was from Caroline, saying I needed to stay and not be such a pussy, two others said goodnight. The fourth and fifth one were from Rebekah. She wanted to know whether I was having fun and when I'd be home. The last also said she went away with Michael so no one'd be home. I looked up, feeling so lucky I couldn't believe it. I immediately tried calling Stefan and as a miracle, he answered with a raspy voice.
''Stefan?'' I said.
''You dialed my number so yes, I'm Stefan.''
I smiled.
''Are you already home?''
''No, I'm still at the party, why?''
I blessed him and sent a quick thank you to God, even though I wasn't really religious.
''Because you need to take me home.''
''Yeah, I'm not by car, remember?''
''Since when do you need one?''
I heard him sigh on the other side of the phone. I also heard a faint sound, it must've been music and laughter. It was gone after two seconds where after I swear I heard a woman's voice.
''Stefan? '' I asked.
''Meet me at the front of the Lockwood's house in an hour.'' He hung up before I could answer. For the first time in my life, I was glad Stefan didn't care about my whereabouts and what I did. He hadn't asked a single question. Things were going too good, I expected to have some bad luck soon.
''The Lockwood's property is only a mile and halve from here. I'll let Jake escort you.''
I looked at the woman, totally forgotten she was her. How had she heard Stefan on the phone? He hadn't spoken very loud and she was on the other side of the room.
''Thank you.'' I smiled and looked at the door, hoping Jake would come in soon because he was the only known factor here.
''So, Elena, right?'' She was taking all the ingredients to make pancakes, which I hadn't eaten in a very long time. I nodded but she was standing with her back to me so I answered out loud.
''How do you know my name? '' I asked.
''I'm Annabelle. Nice to meet you, even though I didn't like the circumstances in which it happened. Conchobar does not know how to be polite, he is a good man though.'' She said, ignoring my question.
''Nice to meet you too.'' I scraped my throat because it felt a little rude to ask.
''Why does he want me gone? Who is he?''
A pan dropped and the woman wanted to buck down but I could see her back would hurt so I took it for her.
She smiled and thanked me.
''You're a nice girl. So, Conchobar. He doesn't like vampires. He has his prejudices about them.''
I immediately turned my head by hearing the word vampire.
''You know? '' I didn't even try to deny it. Jake was a wolf, she knew Jake and maybe she also knew about him. I also felt like she was someone I could trust and another thing that surprised me, I liked her. I genuinely liked Annabelle.
Annabelle gave a quick glance at the door, sighed and murmured something about Jake staying away for so long with those eggs. She started doing the dishes and I offered to help. I dried, she washed.
When I finally got the courage to ask about this place, Jake came in , holding five eggs in his arms.
Annabelle dropped the plate she had been washing and took the eggs.
''Finally! You almost let the poor thing starve to death.''
Jake smiled and shook his head.
''I , unfortunately , ran into Amelie and you know how she is. She came with something original this time though, it wasn't one of her usual speeches. Amelie said she had royal grandparents, hadn't heard that one yet.''
''I love Amelie, she is such a good girl. I still don't get why you don't give her a chance.''
''We're not having this discussion again. You know how I feel about her.''
Annabelle rolled her eyes and started making the pancakes.
''Sit down, they'll be ready soon. ''
Jake and I sat down at a little squared table, already set. It had a little vase with flowers and other cute decorations.
''What is this place? '' I asked as soon as he was settled. Jake smiled and looked at Annabelle.
''This is my home. '' I frowned.
''I didn't mean this cabin, I meant, '' but I interrupted myself. ''Wait, your home? Is she your mother?''
Jake nodded and pointed outside.
''The man who stopped Conchobar, he's my dad.'' I felt stupid I hadn't looked better at the men, I wanted to see the similarities. I could only remember a faint image.
After the pancakes, I looked at my cell and saw I had fifteen minutes until I was about to meet Stefan.
''I need to go, '' I told them, ''It was nice meeting you, Annabelle.''
Jake stood up and followed me, after he closed the door, I wanted to speak but he put his finger on his lips. I frowned but listened.
''There are many ears here who shouldn't be listening. '' I looked around. Everybody was doing something, no one seemed to listen or was close enough to hear us. A couple of eyes were turned to us and I wondered again, what this place was. We walked past the place where the bonfire had been yesterday and I knew it wasn't far anymore so I stopped Jake. I knew the way from here on.
''Thank you, for everything. I had fun last night.''
Jake smiled and gave me a hug. I was startled.
''Yeah, me too. See you soon?'' He asked and I immediately said yes, even though I knew it'd be hard.
We waved goodbye and I left, alone.

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