Episode 114 : Hello

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Cole Pov.

I was slowly waking up. All of the others where up already, but couldn't go anywhere. Why you asked. Well we are chained and we can go anywhere. I saw that there where five of us. First I thought that Morro was missing, but he was fighting the chains. He tried to escape with his ghost power, but it looked like that the oni already knew about him. I then look at us all once again and saw that (Y/n) was missing. 

"Did you guys see (Y/n)?" I asked. They all shocked there heads. 

"Where is she then?" I asked. Morro was the first to speak. 

"I think that the Iron guy or someone lead (Y/n) into the castle. You know she actually give the power back to the dragon and that is why he take her away from the group. And I give up there isn't any use." Morro said giving up with the chains. So (Y/n) was in Iron Baron castle. What is he going to do to her? Kill her? Take her power? She doesn't have her power then how did she even give the power to the dragon. I then try to brake free from this chains, but they where made from some stone that our elements are nothing against it. I sigh. I just hope (Y/n) is okay. I then heard some guardians coming down. They where looking for something or for someone. We all look at each other and back at those two idiots. 

"Go look for the girl in that cage, but don't tell anything to them!"Said one of them that was definitely the leader. He nodded and he stepped in our cage. He was having a mask on his face, so we didn't see who it was. There was only a small scar seen on his right eye and he was having brown eyes. We all where quiet and some of us where looking at him with deadly eyes. 

" Hey where is (Y/n)? For who or for what are you looking for? " I asked. He only get past me and he didn't even look at me. How stupid. He then get out and the other get to him. 

" Did you find anything?" He asked. They guy only shocked his head. The other one nodded. They where about to leave if there leader didn't came down. He was angry than yesterday. 

"Don't tell me you didn't find her?!" He said. They both looked to the ground. He knew what was the answer. He pis3them away and stepped to our cage. 

"Hello dear ninjas!! How are you feeling today?" He asked. We all look at him angrily. 

"I see not very well. Well i think that you even don't know where you friend the girl is gone?" He said. I look a him. 

"What did you do to her?!!" I yelled at him. He only laughed. 

"I didn't do anything.,but someone kidnapped her and I think you know who.." He said. We all look at him confusing.

"We don't know anything."Said Jay. Guy only look at him smiling. 

" We will see. We will see.. "He said. 

(Y/n) Pov. 

I was waken up by the sunset on my face. How long was I sleeping. I open my eyes. I saw that I was sleeping on some kind of a bed. The room was golden and white. It was beautiful. First I thought that it only a dream. I them rub my head. I then remember about the Oni and the dragon, mission, me getting dragged away and put to sleep and cold soft wind. I then get of the bed. I was walking down the hallway. It was magnificent. It had many pictures and many symbols and many more. I then found the exit. I open the door getting outside. It was beautiful and magnificent. I saw a huge jungle tree in the middle. Around this tree was a half cycle. That half cycle where mountains. On every single mountain it was a golden house. Together it become a castle. Every single path was from the tree to the mountain. I then saw (m/f/f) (My favorite flower) ​​​​​​. I get to it and picked it up. I then heard loud roars. I look in the sky. There where like multiple dragons and all of them in different element with golden armor. I then saw the dragon that was in the middle driving of and to the ground. Actually to me. It was emerald green color with golden armor. The rider was having golden armor on himself. The dragon stopped some meters away from me. The rider slowly stopped off it. The rider look at me. He was having bright emerald green eyes. I had a felling that I saw that eyes before. He stepped some steps closer. He put his helmet off. When I saw his face, my breathing stopped. I let go of the flower. Our eyes meet. He smiled. 

"Hello (Y/n).." He said quietly. I couldn't get any voice out of me. 

"Ll-Ll-Lloyd.. Is that really you?" I said quietly. Lloyd only smiled. 

"This is old me and new me in one person." He said spinning around. I didn't have any words to describe the felling I had inside of me. He is alive. I didn't know anything. I'm happy, sad angry and many more. I look at him. He stepped closer to me. He lean towards me and my lips, I thought he will kiss me, but he give me a hug. I still didn't smiled. I them head footsteps. Lloyd pull away and we both look at the point from where the steps where coming. From the shadows it came a girl with golden with dress and long hair to her shoulder. She was having a crow in her head with an emerald. It you look in her eyes you could lost. Her eyes where having purple and blue inside. They where like galaxy. Her lips where bright red like blood. She smiled getting to Lloyd. She put her arms around his neck and hug him. Lloyd hug her back giving her a smile. I didn't get what was happening? When she let of the hug she five him a long passion kiss on the lips. Lloyd's eyes where open and If you could see his eyes where started to have some color of her eyes. Like that they where made for together. She let go and look him in the eyes. 

"So Lloyd will you introduce me to your friend?" She asked. Lloyd look at me. He didn't give me a smile. 

"This is (Y/n). My old friend from my mother. She know her well." Said Lloyd looking at her giving her a warm smiled. 

"Well is nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Laureniya. Lloyd's.." She was cut of by Lloyd. 

"My beautiful Wife." He said. Then I fell something in my heart that broke. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Yes Lloyd is back and I'm sorry if your name is Laureniya, but anyway I hole you like this book. 



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