Episode 107 : Problems

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(Y/n) Pov. 

I was fighting Morro and let me say I was having the most energy. I still couldn't use my powers, but I fell that they where inside me growing. Growing into child. I smiled. Morro shoot a blast of wind, but I get away easily. He only sigh. He was still overprotective about his little sister and maybe he was even angry on Cole, because of my pregnancy and let me tell you that he almost kill him last week when I tell him. Overprotective. I then took my bow and shoot and arrow at him. The arrow got right next to his right ear and that really close. I smiled. He was frozen in place. 

"Does any of you have a white flag so I tell her that she needs to stop try to KILL ME!!"He said. I laugh. Others just laugh at the joke, but then get back to the training. I saw Morro walking inside and I get after him. He turned into ghost and get to his room. I roll my eyes. I look back and saw guys fighting. Jay against Nya that is logical. (I'm a Jaya fan!! And so Pixane!!) I smiled they looked so cute together. I then saw Zane against Pixel. I was really happy to see Pixel with Zane and that me, Nya and Misako have a one more girl in this team. I look around. I didn't saw Cole. I then fell arms wrapping around my torso and movement near my head. I then fell a head on my shoulder. 

"I missed you.." He said. I roll my eyes. 

"I should miss you I didn't even saw you for... The hole fight." I said. Cole smiled at my words. 

"I need to go to some bank saying there was a robbery.. But it was only a false alarm. Some kid was playing with that thing and by the accidentally turn it on." He said. I smiled. I turned around looking at him. Some hair get in front of my face and he put it away. He then kiss me on the lips. I smiled in the kiss. We the heard Misako and Wu. Wu was like a 3 years old boy. I think that the time punch is still working. He is cute as hell!!!(Sorry if this sounds weird, but I can't, just imagine little Wu looking at you. Man that's so cute!! I LOVE BABIES!!!) I smiled. I then saw Misako coming down, she smiled. Me and Cole give her a warming smiled. 

"Cole can you please get Wu?" She asked. He nodded, giving me a quick kiss on lips. I smiled. Misako sit down on chair. She was tired and you my saw it. The nightmares, Wu, Us and all the other things. She is just tired. Me and girls always helped her, but now she just wants to do it alone. I was sad about everything she needed to get through. I sit opposite her. She look at me. Maybe she tried to hide she is sad and tired of everything, but eyes showed her that she was the one that needed help. She know about what was I thinking.

"Don't think about me (Y/n), think about you and your family. I will be okay." She said. I look at my belly, she had right I needed to take care of the baby and her. 

"I needed to take care of you too, you work to hard, got to sleep. Me and the girls will make everything be okay. If I can help you please tell me." I said. She smiled. 

"You can do something for me (Y/n).. Can you get me some tea from Mistaké shop, tell her about me and she will know which tea I need."She said. I nodded standing up. She smiled.

"(Y/n) you are a great girl.. You deserve a great life. "She said. I smiled. 

" Thanks you Misako."I said. I get out to the shop. I bump into Morro. He look at me suspiciously. 

" Where are you going my sister? "He asked. I roll my eyes. 

"I'm getting some tea for Misako. If Cole is panicking where I am tell him where I am." I said. He nodded. I tap him on his shoulder and decided to go. 

I needed right half an hour to get here. I was in front the tea shop. I stepped inside. It looked like me and the ninjas are the only ones here. I then heard footsteps. 

" How can I help you dear?" She asked, showing from the shadow. I look at her. 

"I need something for Misako, about her lost and her nightmares." I said. She smiled. 

"I exactly know which tea is for her." She said. She stormed away. For an old woman she is really fast. I then look around. I saw many different pictures, I saw one from the Oni and the Dragon. I look at it closely. It was like a dragon from my dreams when I was a child and the same Oni. Before I touched it Mistaké came out of nowhere and slapped my fingers. 

"No touching and here is your tea." She said giving me the tea. My hand grabbed the tea away from her. 

"pregnant aren't you?" She said. I look at her i. Shocked. She smiled. 

"How did you know?" I said. 

"Honey I know everything... Even who you are.." She said. 

"W-What are y-you talking about?," I asked her. She smiled. 

"You know about what I'm talking, but remember this. The poison can be cure with a straight look." She said. I blink some times and when i opened my eyes I didn't saw her anymore. I look around slowly walking away. My hole path I was thinking about that sentence she tell me. I then saw bunch of people looking at the sky. I run to there seeing Cole with his element dragon fighting some villain. I then fell some kind of voices in my head. I close my eyes and when some voice said one more down, Cole dragon disappeared. I saw him falling down. I yelled his name.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you will still enjoy it. 


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