'Forever' in 'Us'

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~Seto's POV~
(Okay first omfg!! 4000 reads! That's awesome and in such a short amount of time! Dats cray cray! Thank you for reading my fanfic! I'm going to go hit my head against a wall when I'm done typing this story.)

Brice held me in his arms and was probably not going to let go.

"Seto!!!" I heard Mitch squeal like a fan girl. "Give me a hug!"
Mitch reached out and hugged me.
'I don't get it why is everyone so worked up?'
I started to look around and noticed the coffin the priest and the black everyone was wearing.

"Brice what happened?" I looked at him confused.

"Mitch! Get back here! Calm down!" Jerome came running up and tried to pry Mitch's arms from around my neck.

"No!" Mitch yelled and ran off. "You'll never get me alive!"
Jerome chased after him an apologetic smile on his face.

"Uh, well, you sort of maybe died?" He said it more like a question than an answer.

"Wait I what?!"
The crowd went silent and stared at Brice and I.
Small whispers erupted from the crowd most were asking how I was alive.

"It shouldn't matter!" Brice yelled at the crowd, "he's alive now that all that really matters."
Over time the crowd started to depart and go home.

"Brice, do you know who sacrificed their life for mine?"

"No, I'm sorry Seto."

"For what?"

"I realized I love with all my heart but I don't even know wha makes you happy. Maybe the saying is true there will always be an 'end' in 'boyfriend' and an 'over' in 'lover'."
Brice sighed

"Brice, but there will always be a 'forever' in 'us'."

"But that doesn't make sense." Brice stated.

"You have to read between the lines."
Brice nodded and kissed my forehead.
I pushed him away.

"You goddamn pussy Brice! Kiss me like a man!"
With that I smashed our lips together.
I felt him kiss back and smiled to myself.

Do You Trust Me? (setosolace fanfic Pt1)Where stories live. Discover now