Missing Truth

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~Mitch's POV~
(Just 'cause)

I was walking to social studies with Sky, until I got an uneasy feeling I was being followed.

"Hey Sky I'm going to get some fresh air. I think I'm loosin it."

"Okay. But remember we have a test today." I nodded my head and started walking to the front door. When the hallway was empty, sure enough I heard very light footsteps behind me. I turned around to be met by some agent dude.

"Stop following me!" I yelled like a child. A wicked grin appeared on his face, that sent a shiver down my spine and back.

"Project 44 we're having a shut down."
Every instance in my body said to run 'run as fast as you can! Find Jerome tell him the truth let him listen, let him care.' I couldn't move.

"Shut down? For what?"

"I never liked you, ya know. So I guess I'll tell you. The truth is." He grabbed me wrists and cuffed me, I tried to struggle but it was obvious he wasn't letting me go.

"There's a new project, a better project. Don't worry all of the projects are getting shut down." I tied to protest but before I could say anything I was gagged.

"We don't need to give humans artificial powers any more, but we still have to kill all of the projects"
Tears were jumping out of my eyes 'Jerome I might never see you again. But I love you and I'm sorry for lying to you.'

I was knocked out and saw nothing but black. After a while I saw Jerome, but he was different he had an evil grin on his face.

"Jerome?" I yelled as I ran to him. When I reached him I started crying into his shoulder.

"Mitch you're going to ruin my shirt." I looked up at him giving him a questioning look.

"Mitch, you're such a fool. A little child thinking he's found love. It's not love if the other person doesn't love ya know?"

"Jerome, I don't know what you mean." I said still clinging to him.

"I don't love you. Hell I don't even like you, as a friend as anything!"

"Jerome pleas st-"

"I hate you Mitch, always have, always will!"
I let go of the one I've loved since the day I met him he started walking away with out a word, that discussing smile plastered on his face. I broke down in a crying mess. 'Jerome doesn't even care. There's really no point in living, if it just makes him upset.'

"I'm sorry jerome I won't be a burden in your life any more."

Do You Trust Me? (setosolace fanfic Pt1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz