•|Having a badboy (1)|•

Beginne am Anfang

Slowly I closed my door and looked at all the students looking at me as if they never saw someone new; I started to walk.

"She's hot" I heard from a group of boys which I blushed hard too.

"Agh;she thinks she all that" some girls said and I simply rolled my eyes

"She looks cool"

"Agh her outfit is a killer"

Walking into the huge building and trying to find the office;it was easy because their was an arrow saying office and it pointed to a black door,

I opened the door and I saw a women in her thirties with red hair and green eye she looked up at me and smiled.

"You must be the new girl Maria right?." she asked I smiled and nodded my head.

"We'll here is you're schedule and it has your locker combo , and here is the school map hope you have a great day." she said with a smile, I gave her a genuine smile.

"Thanks." I said while walking out the office;I notice you have your Nerds,Jocks,Cheerleaders,Populars in conclusion you have cliques I then looked down on the map she gave me while looking I felt someone bumped me.

"Oh sorry." I look up to a girl with black hair and hazel eyes; once she sees me she instantly smiles warmly to me.

"No, that's ok." I said with a smile and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Your the new girl Maria right?."she asked while her head crocks to the side.

"Yea and how do you know my name?." I questioned her while furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Word goes fast here."she said while chuckling to herself.

"We knew you we're coming two weeks earlier." my eyes widen and I slowly nod my head at how creeped out I was.

"Um...ok?" I said slowly

"Let me see you're schedule."she said I handed her my schedule a smiled crept to her face, once looking over at my schedule.

"We'll we got 2 classes together" she said then the bell ranged

"Come on don't want to be late do you.?" she said then she grabbed my wrist and yanked me down the hall.

"Wow..slow down" I said; while keeping up with her she turns around with a grin on her face.

"Sorry don't want you to be late." she said I nodded we walked two stairs up and then saw a door that said Science

"Agh..I hate science!." I snorted then I realized I don't even know the girl name?!

"Um;whats your name by the way?" I said while holding onto my backpack strap tightly.

"April" she said with trying to catch her breath

"We'll I have to go;my class is in the 1st floor" and with that she sprinted off down the hallway.

I looked back at the door and turned the door knob and saw the teacher teaching. Great.

All heads snapped towards me and I look at the back of the class and notice a group of boys;but how they look states bad boys I saw them smirk,I quickly looked away.

"You must be Maria?." the teacher said; I look up to him and nod my head; he was bold and had blue eyes.

"Yes that's me." I said awkwardly.

"We'll please take a seat next to Jose and if he annoys you pleas tell me" The teacher said while smiling at me.

"Who's Jose?" I asked while looking at the class

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