2: Jungeun

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11PM. JULY 1.

I know what I did was bad. I can't lose her, though.

7AM. JULY 1.

Jinsol's touch felt soft every time, and her lips were always so sweet. It was addicting. That's why Jungeun couldn't go away. There was no way she'd be able to forget about her.

"I can't believe he comes back today," Jinsol said sadly. She was lying on top of Jungeun, her blonde head on her chest. Jungeun stroked her hair and sighed.

"I can't believe we even did this," Jungeun stated.

"You know," Jinsol sat up, her thighs around Jungeun's waist, "it was wrong, but, as cheesy as it sounds, it felt right."

Jungeun laughed. "He's actually going to go crazy if he finds out about this." Jinsol hummed and got off of Jungeun, walking over to her closet to find some clothes to wear.

Jungeun sat up and pushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm scared, Jinsol."

Jinsol took off her large pajama shirt and started to put on a better fitting red T-shirt. "Of what?" Jinsol asked.

Jungeun looked down at the sheets of the bed. The bed that belonged to Jinsol and her boyfriend. Jungeun picked at the lint on the thin white cloth, and pursed her lips. "Of him. Minjun, you know, your boyfriend?"

Jinsol laughed and climbed back into the bed, sitting next to Jungeun. "Really? The guy that calls me by pet names instead of my real name, that guy?" Jungeun rolled her eyes as Jinsol laughed.

"Jinsol, what we did was bad. I don't-" Jungeun was cut off by Jinsol grabbing her hand.

"Do you regret it?" Jinsol looked Jungeun in the eye.

Jungeun felt her heart race and her breathing become quicker. Jinsol's eyes were just so pretty. "No, I don't regret it."

Jinsol smiled. "See?" Jinsol leaned in close and pecked the blonde's lips once, waiting for a reaction. Then she kissed her again, softly and more sweet. "It's going to be okay. I'll just break it off with him."

"You can't do that." Jungeun protested, tilting her head to the side. Jinsol let go of her hands, sighing.

"Why not?" She shrugged. "I like you, Jungeun." Jinsol hesitated before continuing. "I love you."

Jungeun looked up and immediately grinned when she saw Jinsol's cheeks were pink. "You love me?"

Jinsol smiled, showing her dimple. The blonde nodded. "I do."

Jungeun leaned forward and captured the blonde's lips in another kiss. She pulled away and leaned her head on her shoulder. "I still feel terrible, Jinsol. I think he really loved you."

Jinsol shrugged. "Maybe. He never said it."

The two girls sat in dead silence. Jungeun didn't know what to say. She did really love Jinsol, but she didn't want to hurt what was already there.

Jungeun furrowed her brows.

"Jinsol, isn't it the 1st today?"

She shook her head. "No, isn't it only May?"

Jungeun got out of the bed and grabbed her phone, turned it on and saw the date. "Oh, no."

"What? No way!" Jinsol crawled over to the other side of the bed where Jungeun showed her the date that clearly read July 1, 2018.

"Jungeun, where are you going to go?" Jinsol looked up at her with a worried look in her eyes.

"I don't know. I gotta go. Maybe I can get a train back to my parent's house." Jungeun grabbed her backpack from the ground.

"I thought they lived hours away. Do you have enough cash on you?" Jinsol got off the bed and fiddled with her fingers nervously.

"If I go now I can maybe get a train there. I can hitchhike if I run low on money."

Jinsol shook her head. "Jungeun, are you crazy? You'll be hitchhiking at night, on the Purge!"

"It's going to be fine." Jungeun said as she threw her bag over her shoulder. "But only if I go now."

Jungeun started walking out the door, but Jinsol grabbed her shoulders and planted a kiss on her lips. Jungeun put all of her heart into that kiss, just in case it was the last time they would be seeing each other, putting her arms around her waist and all.

Jungeun pulled away. "Hey, I love you."

Jinsol smiled. "I love you, too." Jungeun gave her one last kiss on the cheek and ran out the front door, leaving Jinsol to pace back and forth, worried out of her mind.

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