He sat up and cupped my hands " I know I fucked up and by no means am I perfect, but I really do want to give us a try. I've never met a girl like you before, everything about you is different from anyone I've dated before... theres something about you that keeps me interested. So that saying , Olivia Johnson.. will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes..." was all I said before being bombarded with kisses....yet again.

"Liv, I don't know about Blake as a person but as long as you're happy I'll support you. OMG I just can't believe you have a boyfriend, I happy for you Liv.. I really am."

"Thanks Kat... Anyways I gotta go, Blakes gonna take me to school Okay?"

"okay! tell Blake to use protection always!"


'What a crazy lovable friend' I thought to myself. Monday came and I had to be ready to face the wrath of girls that thought of Blake as their 'God'. Blake was going to pick me up today so why not wear something cute? 

I got out a pink button up top and had a blue cardigan over it with a gray scarf. I thought I looked pretty cute today but I have no idea what Blake would think about me wearing it. 


Blakes here!

I went down to go greet him 

"Hey!" I said and leaned in for a hug

"Hey yourself beautiful" he said kissing me on the cheek

"WOAH SISSY'S KISSING!!" Kris practically shouted out 

Blake ruffled Kris's hair a little then picked him up and came inside to greet my parents 

"Hello Mr and Mrs Johnson" he said putting kris down.  The day after Blake and I had our make up date we decided to tell my parents. They were pretty happy to see us together, they even called us a cute couple!

"Hey Blake" mom and dad said

" Would you like some breakfast Blake?" mom asked

"No ma'am. I already had some this morning.. but thank you." He turned to me "Babe, you ready to go to school?"

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' 

we both said our 'goodbyes' and left for his car. I was seriously super nervous. The thought of going into school hand and hand with the 'King' of the school scared the shit out of me. 

' What if his friends don't like me? What if I get bullied?! WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO?!!!!!' apparently saw my little panic attack so reached over to myside of the car and took one of his hands and held mine in his while his other hand was on the steering wheel. 

His eyes still on the road, " Babe don't worry about it okay? My friends are gonna love you, so you have nothing to stress over" Even though he was saying those words,

I couldn't help but say

"aweee" and hold his hand tighter to mine " That was seriously sweet Blake" I said as i leaned over to kiss his cheek.

We got to the parking lot of the school, damn was the way to school always so fast?! He took both of his hands and held it in mine. 

"Its fine sweetie" He reassured me

We walked out together hand in hand to the steps of the school. The reaction of the students as we walked by was a mixture of confusion and displeasure but their were a few a very few that nodded their heads in acception of our relationship.

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